Imploding under pressure is an understatement. Bangladesh are masters of it.
Also, you can't say Bangladesh have more talent. Measure talent. Their FC structure is better because they actually have their own FC system. But the Irish players play CC, which is a much higher level than Bangladesh domestic cricket.
How many ODIs have Bangladesh won against top eight sides in eleven years? Barring the 4-0 whitewash of the most subcontinentally incompetent NZ batting line ups in decades, I can't think of much more success. There is no doubt they are improving, but Ireland are improving faster, and thats with more restrictions (like ICC funding) on them than Bangladesh have.
Bangladesh have three really good ODI players in Shakib, Tamim and Razzak, and a few decent ones in Mortaza, Mushfiqur Rahim and Muhmahahahahahahadullah. The rest are dire. Shakib, Tamim and Razzak are not very capable of winning matches on their own because Bangladesh have won sod all matches, because their teammates are terrified of success.
I've watched both sides, and Ireland are harder. That is a crucial difference. Bangladesh need Shakib and Tamim to stiffen their spines, but Ireland don't need to be toughened up to start with. Shakib and Tamim turn Bangladesh into a competitive side, but Tamim and Shakib playing for Ireland would turn them into something much better than just competitive.
It would be so awesome if Morgan returned to Ireland, especially if Marshall got dispensation to play. Porterfield, Stirling, Joyce, Marshall, Morgan, Niall O'Brien is almost a better top six than Bangladesh's all time top six. Heck, without Marshall its still close.
Ireland are not a tier below Bangladesh. If given the opportunities, they will pass them.
What I'll agree too is that the current Ireland squad is strong, in that they have good CC experience, don't implode, work well as a unit.
But in the long run this really isn't sustainable. 10 years ago, heck 5 years ago, they would have lost to Bangladesh regularly. And once the core of this side retires, where is new talent going to come from. As you point out, Ireland don't really have an FC structure and Ireland isn't exactly a cricket mad country.
BD have a sustainable future, an FC system that has produce world class players like Shakib, Tamim, Mortaza, Razzak. They are on the rise. You could say Ireland are on the rise faster, to me they just look like a nuggety side hitting their peak. To argue that in the long run if Ireland receives more ICC support they would outdo BD is unfounded.
Take a look at NZ. it wasn't too long ago that a full strength NZ side were more than a match for sides like SL and India. But as time as passed NZ's lack of depth domestically has been shown up. NZ aren't going to be a consistently threatening side, the team with Cairns, Fleming, Bond, Vettori, Crowe, Richardson, Tuffey, etc. was a side with a good core who hit their peak together. Much like the Ireland side. NZ lost that core, and are sturggling to find replacements and are weakened at the moment, and the same will happen to Ireland.
Sides like Kenya and Scotland had these peaks once upon a time too, and they faded. Currently on the rise are Ireland and Afghanistan.
But the fact is that cricket and long term growth isn't really sustainable in these countries. Even if the ICC invests in Ireland and they produced their own FC system, the lack of interest in the game and small population means that down the line we will see some really dire Ireland sides take the field.
This is where BD have the edge. They will always be a tier above the associates just for the simple reason that they have more cricketers playing cricket in their country than all the other associates ever will. And that means a steadier line of talent being produced. And what's more important, is that the talent being produced through BD is improving over time. A side that once had players like Tapash Baisya and Khaled Masud has recently produced talent such as Mahmadullah, Shakib, Tamim, Naeem, Shuvo, Shaiful, Rubel. Most of this BD side would get into an all-time BD XI.
BD have more talent. They have an FC system. They have the passion in their country. Ireland are a good side now, but at best you'd place them at par with BD. The same was said of sides like Kenya and Scotland, and they faded because the talent in those countries faded and they couldn't produce new one. The same will eventually happen to Ireland. Just because they're good now doesn't mean we should chuck cash into them instead of BD; cricket is just not sustainable there.
What I agree with is giving these sides more exposure, mainly to make cricket more mainstream.
Once cricket is popular enough that there is enough demand for a proper domestic setup, then by all means invest into them. But such a knee-jerk reaction isn't right.
And yes, BD seem spineless. Which sucks. But they have matchwinners, and they have the talent that, if they develop a spine, they can consistently challenge the top nations.