International Coach
couldnt have put it better myself.......SJS said:Allow me to dissect your post and answer it logically and bit by painful bit![]()
How can you call yourself I when most of the time you call yourself by an alpha-numeric title ? Shows inconsistency which is the hallmark of all your posts anyway.![]()
Who cares if you disagree ? I know what is right and the whole of me says so in agreement ! Just shows that you have made up your mind to find something wrong with anything I post. Total lack of objectivity on your part. Not surprising for someone with an alpha-neumeric pseudonym.
What do you mean 'it's' ? We are not talking of inanimate objects here. These are life and blood individuals. Or maybe you dont know which *** they belong to. But then I am not surprised considering your lack of the nuances of the game in general
How can you be so sure. What about the 'law of averages'. Do you know that by the law of averages you could be 100 % sure only 37% of the times ? I bet you didnt know that. Not surprising for someone who doesnt even realise that a name needs a capital alphabet to start with (besides not having neumerals in it)![]()
There you go contradicting yourself.![]()
A word ago you were 'sure' and now you are 'questioning yourself' (not sure). I think you should go back and read all my postings in detail before you come replying to one of them in isolation.
PS. Please dont answer with a cryptic half a line post![]()
it must be said though, that your post has prevented many other users from posting in this thread and since i find that post boring, i suggest you restrict your posts to one thread only so that i dont have to read it.