When we played on the road, because it was generally impossible to mark a good crease, when you were running, you had to touch your bat either on the stumps (wheelie bin, fire hydrant cover), and when you finished running, you had to yell "safe", but only after your bat had touched the stumps or the ground next to it.
There were several arguments about this, generally because the batter was trying to skimp on the "safe" rule, or hadn't yelled "safe" or some variant.
We've had excuses from "look at how that bit of dust on the road has moved! My bat was right next to the stumps", to "But I thought safe!"
Often, this disagreement led to the end of our game. Especially when we were really young, and there were no rational adults or even teenagers, present.
Now, to solve disagreements, generally we all shouted and carried on, until the owner of the stumps and bats and ball threatened to take them home.
Otherwise, someones parent came out and told us to pull ourselves together.
As we got older, we disagreeed less, but solutions to problems like these were generally reached with the tossing of a coin. Heads you're in, tails you're out.
Case closed.