No where close to being a failed state me...just a very very bad patch going on right now thanks to a clueless American war.
And the fact that visiting cricket teams get shot at..
Not that that would be a factor at all....
I tell you how unappealing to me going to Pakistan is, even before the terrible flood.
I wouldn't even send Tony Abbott there. Now you can say that's callous or what not, but it's so. I'm sorry, but I could not think of a single realistic endeavour on earth that would make me want to go there with things the way they are.
I may well be completely wrong, you can call me ignorant or whatever. But I sat here for the better part of two years while people laughed at how "gutless" Australia was for not going there, how they were "unmanly" and such.
Then the Sri lankans got shot at, and everything went quiet.
Until there's a lengthy (say at least 4-5 years) period of stability, I wouldn't go near the joint.
And I'm sorry if that offends Pakistani posters on here, because it is not meant to. It's incredibly sad what has happened to the place. But I wouldn't touch the joint with a barge pole.