What are the point deductions? I missed that.haha Kyle knows how to play this game. Only pick a few guys so that you don't get whacked with all the point deductions! I managed 3 tries and a goal, but had a missed goal, a FTC, 2 PTC's and and 2 MIa's.
you lose points for pretty much everything, missing goals, players not getting involved enough etc...What are the point deductions? I missed that.
The reason my team is so crap is because I was flying from London to Miami when the bidding was nearing the end.
I guess you're screwed if you've got too many Warriors, Chooks, Wests or Dragons in your squad.What happens with the 4 teams not playing this week?
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5 : SELECT T.TeamID, T.tName, T.tNickName, T.CompetitionID, C.bFull, C.dRecruitOpen, C.tName as tCompetition, T.nRank
6 : FROM Team T INNER JOIN Competition C ON T.CompetitionID = C.CompetitionID
7 : WHERE T.VUserID = #cookie.VUserID#
8 : AND C.bComplete = 0
9 : AND C.SeasonID = #GetCurrentSeason.SeasonID#