Cricket Web Staff Member
SJS said:Well. I must admit this has become a bit of a scrap. I have nothing against Harmison or England in general. I rated Tuffey higher based on what I has seen of him in matches I had watched as against those I watched of Harmison. Its possible Harmison may have bowled much better at other times and Tuffey may have bowled worse.
This doesnt mean that any of us who express an opinion are necessarily biased or will just never change their opinions because they are 'fixed'.
And being a newcomer or part of the old gang at this board has, and should have, absolutely nothing to do with what one says or how it should be percieved.
I rest my case.
No scrap at all - it wasn't aimed at you.
You quoted an entire post of mine without addressing any of the points within it, then you made a series of assertions or statements which are, in themselves, almost totally unrelated to what I've said.
Welcome to Cricket Web - you'll fit in well.

A few points, though, seemed to be little refer-backs to some of the points I made in yesterday's limericks (newby digs), which I thought at the time that you took in very good spirit. If the barbs hurt, I am truly sorry, but I have to find out which members have a sense of humour.
The ones who have get picked on a little.
The ones who haven't get picked on a lot.
I steal your case and sell it on the market.