You yourself noted, just before seeing this thread, that the posting on Day 1 was very poor.
That's because some bloke was saying Philander was **** and all his previous results were against minnows. But he's hardly the first to make such a statement and he certainly won't be the last.
Some of the stuff that has been aimed at Indian cricketers and basically re-writing their records is dross and it bugs me. If I was an English fan, people trying to come after Broad or Anderson all the time to try and act like they're **** would bug me too. In general it is annoying as a neutral, and its even more annoying if you really like those players.
But this **** was happening 12 months ago. But a few people here think its worse now than it was then. I respectfully disagree.
flibbertyjibber does England fans no favours though, just like a few Indian trolls did Indian fans no favours 12-18 months ago.
AFAIK everyone that's posted in this thread was already making these complaints before England fell apart in this match.
Its not about England doing **** in this test, and I haven't said that at all. Its about people taking pleasure in Samuels or Tino Best scoring a ton and then trying to say England's bowling is **** from that. It happened in a SL test too recently. People just want to cut England down. Its tall poppy syndrome, but its not unique to them but they're copping it because they're the best team right now. Hence England threads will be littered with more criticisms than some other series right now.
The South Africa tour thread has been dross since before this match started. My problem with it has absolutely nothing to do with what's been happening on the cricket field and everything to do with how utterly crap the standard of discussion has been.
You haven't been specific enough. Just call the posters out or at least just the posts.
It should be noted that this discussion started between two Australians on MSN after Day 1. England were 267/3 and a lot of the "problem" posters we identified were in fact English fans. It certainly isn't reserved to English fans, but this isn't a complaint that's come from their inability to accept that they're hated or that they're losing this game or whatever. People can assume all they like about the nature of this thread because Furball started it, but that's not where this is coming from. You yourself noted, just before seeing this thread, that the posting on Day 1 was very poor. I think what we saw on Day 1 in that thread was has been an increasing trend and it's made the quality of the threads much worse.
What happened on day 1 is flibbertyjibber got ahead of himself and started boasting and it pissed people off so they replied to him and it derailed from the cricket.
Am I missing some other stuff that happened?