All NZ fans who lived through that decade bare those scares.Blair Hartland has had ENUF of your obsession with terrible NZ players of the 90s and says you need counselling for those deep emotional hurts of the past.
Very high carb content at Lincoln. Lads on 14-day stints managing about one bowel movement a week.Obviously put on too good a buffet at NZC.
Probably very high fat content in their buffets and the cholesterol has gone straight to David White's brain. Which is why he makes zero sense in general.
I thought we could do a run down of Worst NZ Cricketers Post 1980.
Send me votes in a 10 to 1 format (with 10 being the worst, 1 being the least bad) and I'll collate the data (heathdavisspeed at yahoo dot co dot nz)
I won't bother writing profiles for this'n. (Well, I may copy and paste Jeets' over to this thread too.We'll find out the winner in 10 years time, at this rate. By which point the #6 will have redeemed himself to such an extent that he has his own religion.
You have no sol!You may get Kiwininja on your side but this is not a fight you will win.
Castlepoint > Sol
It's an allegory, my dear Athlai. The Sol does not represent the beer Sol itself. It represents that higher level of spiritual enlightenment that certain people can reach after consumption of an appropriate level of beer - especially after having to make do with Tui for 3 days and then being offered something even slightly different.The Sol love here is almost as terrible as the actual tour thread.
Only one set of votes thus far. A disappointing return.Agro in the stands? ND up to mischief. [/kippaxing]
I thought we could do a run down of Worst NZ Cricketers Post 1980.
Send me votes in a 10 to 1 format (with 10 being the worst, 1 being the least bad) and I'll collate the data (heathdavisspeed at yahoo dot co dot nz)
Presuming you mean Tui on the last part, totally agree. Drinkable, especially on a hot day at the cricket. Apparently they're opening a new plant at the Mount, so they must be doing okay.One of my friends bought two 940ml bottles of Sol for a party the other week. Brought back memories of how mediocre Tui was.
I still can't hate the stuff tbh. It's definitely ****ty beer for 12-year-olds, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
I didn't have an orange shirt on and I got told i had to sit two seats away from my friends so that they "had room to dive":- so yeah it got a bit OTTPresuming you mean Tui on the last part, totally agree. Drinkable, especially on a hot day at the cricket. Apparently they're opening a new plant at the Mount, so they must be doing okay.
Have to say, from afar the whole promotion over summer got old on me really quickly. Dunno if it was a different dynamic at the ground but it got a bit sickening after a while.