Hall of Fame Member
and with this post we are the first team to 1000 replies in our thread, great stuff guys, great to have soo many active players in the team too 

age_master said:OD MVP voting is happening guys, get your votes (For Nathan) in.
bugssy said:how do u get nominated, whats the qualifications, this may sound like i am on myself but how did i not get voted!!!!!!!! had a fairly good season with the bat in one day, most runs in the comp.....
Don said:green matters? the only problem we have in green is deciding how were gonna arrange the trophies this season. said:Going to be kind enough to offer to arrange Reds trophy cabinet so we don't have to worry about it? That's awful nice of you. It's a shame yours will go empty, though
Your birthday is the 1st of January??Don said:oi its my bday on sunday watr u guys gettin the llama man