I don't think there is any sports that can be termed as gentle-manly in today's times, the competiton is cut-throat, people are becoming more and more impatient due to hectic pace of life and its the effect of changing times that we see on cricket too.
Sledging has always been the part every sport, the viciousness keeps varying from one sport to the another, of course one can say cricket is not a contact sport so we don't often see nasty words exchanged on a cricketing field, but the emotions run high in cricket because of the kind of focus and hard-work the sport demands, its duration is pretty long as compared to other sports and a player is more than likely to loose his concentration and say something bad on-field, but to give the cricketers around the world, they have more or less behaved very decently when you compare it to other sports.
Completly scrapping sledging is just not realistic or right, it will just take some essence out the game and make it look very mechanical, as long as the players don't cross the line of tolerance, i think we would be fine.