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The ATG Teams General arguing/discussing thread

Mr Miyagi

Darts is not more global than cricket. 25 of the current top 27 players come from UK or the Netherlands. There are top cricket players from nearly a dozen countries.


It's not bigger money than cricket either. Only one player has made more than £1 million in prize money in the last two years. Many cricketers make that each year from IPL and central contracts alone.
Okay. So lets talk NFL and MLB money and turning down 100m money.

Cricket doesn't get close.

Mr Miyagi

Seriously, you need to have some perspective. Bo Jackson would cripple Federer and cripple Jordan and cripple Bradman and he would cripple Michael Phelps and he would cripple Nadia Comaneci and he would eat them all according to you. You realise you are dissing on some of the greatest sports persons with remarkable ability in utter stupidity?
You realise Bo Jackson is not only with them, but in many people's opinions, the greatest of them?

So where are you going with stupidity?

He dominated 2 major PROFESSIONAL sports and turned down Olympic Gold chasing in the MOST premier OLYMPIC EVENT OF THEM ALL.

Mr Miyagi

Yes you are, you just can't figure out about what. Lol. It's pretty funny.
Awww, you like cricket so much, you think Bradman was a real athlete ;)

He was a batsman. Like Inzi. Cricket batting isn't an athletic challenge. It is a game. Like darts.


Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
You realise Bo Jackson is not only with them, but in many people's opinions, the greatest of them?

So where are you going with stupidity?

He dominated 2 major PROFESSIONAL sports and turned down Olympic Gold chasing in the MOST premier OLYMPIC EVENT OF THEM ALL.
What the **** does professionalism have to do with it anyway? Professionalism in English cricket existed before any of the sports Jackson competed in were even codified. Professionalism and the amount of money professionals get paid is simply a measure of how much cash a sport makes, which has as much to do with the economic welfare of the country it's being played in and the the socioecomic factors behind the audience and sponsors as the quality of the play.


Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
Awww, you like cricket so much, you think Bradman was a real athlete ;)

He was a batsman. Like Inzi. Cricket batting isn't an athletic challenge. It is a game. Like darts.
You keep conflating 'sports' and athletics. Of course some sports are more athletic than others but that doesn't make them any more or less sports. Sports themselves are games so it's also a false dichotomy.


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I'd like to see Bo Jackson accomplish anything he already did without steroids and between the two World Wars tbh.

I'd also like to see Miyagi apologise for being wrong - I called him out on a mistake 100s of posts ago and he still has not owned up to it.

There will be a lot of things we won't ever see I suppose.
He's been wrong nearly 3,000 times on this forum alone and never apologised for it, why would he start now? You think you special *****?


Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
That's not what you said:

What you said was:

Deal with you said, not with what you meant to say.
What he said was exactly what he meant. Someone who claims to well versed in law would know enough to go and check what was actually said. You missed a crucial word in TJB's statement that completely changes the meaning from what you think he said the first time while being completely consistent with his clarification.

Mr Miyagi

You keep conflating 'sports' and athletics. Of course some sports are more athletic than others but that doesn't make them any more or less sports. Sports themselves are games so it's also a false dichotomy.
The claim was greatest sportsman,

My vote is unashamedly, based on wide variables going to Bo Jackson.

If people want to choose Phil Taylor or Don Bradman, that's on them. But imo, neither of them are in the contest.

If that offends people. I make no apologies. I just don't think what they did qualifies them in Bo Jackson's realm.

I don't mean them disrespect, but I don't think it's in the same ball park.

That is my opinion. And it is a reasonable one.

If people want to claim it is based on Bradman's dominance, that's fine by me, just as if people want to claim it is Phil the Power Taylor.

They were definitely the best in their respective game. But I'm still going Bo Jackson. :) For a whole host of reasons. People can either be offended by the reasons, or read them.

That's their choice. I love cricket, but its more like a sport like darts when batting, or lawn bowls when spinning, it isn't like tennis or boxing, its not like football or rugby or gridiron, at the end of the day its not really a 'sports' sport.
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The claim was greatest sportsman,

My vote is unashamedly, based on wide variables going to Bo Jackson.

If people want to choose Phil Taylor or Don Bradman, that's on them. But imo, neither of them are in the contest.

If that offends people. I make no apologies. I just don't think what they did qualifies them in Bo Jackson's realm.

I don't mean them disrespect, but I don't think it's in the same ball park.

That is my opinion. And it is a reasonable one.

If people want to claim it was Bradman's dominance, that's fine by me, just if people want to claim it is Phil the Power Taylor.

They were definitely the best in their respective game. But I'm still going Bo Jackson. :)
Yeah. You've mentioned that over a dozen times already. On top of 4 times in this single post.

We get it. We don't care. Repeating it over and over and over and over again isn't going to change it.

Just stahp


Cricket, Lovely Cricket
Explain to me what makes you think this Jackson fella could face bodyline bowling without protective gear or do gymnatics like Comaneci.
