Know better than the game?

Jesus, you're beyond parody. It's a wonder you don't choke on your own sanctimony.
It's also a wonder you've never brought out the patronising crap for this before now. Because I've been using that phrase, on the forums, for years now. Yes, indeed, many selectors do think they know better than the game - the game is the best judge of how good a player is, not a selector. Too often a selector picks a player based on potential, when what a good selector should do is wait for the potential that they can observe to start coming to fruition,
then pick the player for Tests.
So, no point going by anything other than averages & when that doesn't work it's the players fault, not the selectors?
Again, well done in reading something that's not there. What I actually said was averages are the fundamental basic (not just banal career averages, naturally) and that no selector ever has any business to ignore them. I also said, on a separate matter, that if the pool of talent is relatively shallow, the public's misguided "there must be someone better out there" notions are what's wrong, not the selectors who keep faith with what they know is the best available.
Where do I sign up, sounds the best job in the world.
Anyway, yes, being a selector should be a pretty simple job, and it's those who overcomplicate it (that's most, BTW) who make it as error-strewn as it is. There are, as I've said ad nauseum, a good few CW posters who'd do a far better job. Goes without saying that it's unlikely you'd be amongst them though.