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Different roles in the team. When you see a high SR, low Balls Per Innings (BPI) guy, you know he is out there to have a hit. If you see a low SR, high BPI guy, you know he's the anchor. If you see a high SR, high BPI guy, you know he's a beast of a batsman. You see a low SR, low BPI guy, you know he's kinda ****.Yeah but that's just adding pointless stats. Why do you need "balls per innings"? Just give the average. It's more relevant anyway. The best players are still the ones with the highest averages, but not necessarily the ones with the highest strike rates IMO.
All four of those kind of batsmen, and anyone in between, can average 30 given the right combination of runs scored and dismissals. The batting average doesn't tell you as much as those two stats will.