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Should India Continue Its Cricket Tour of Pakistan ?

Should India Continue the Cricket tour of Pakistan ?

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U19 Debutant
Is it possible for one team to arrive in Mumbai and indulge in mass murder, and have another team go and play cricket in the winter afternoon sun at Lahore, immediately after?" Gill told PTI.

If your Sports minister is making such comments then I doubt we will see cricket between the two teams.

btw tasteless stuff from Mr Gill.
I think the "team" he is talking about in the first part refers to the terroristgroup that was responsible for Mumbai carnage. Obviously he didn't refer to the Pakistan cricket team.While in the latter case the "team" refers to a cricket team.


International 12th Man
it has got nothing to do wiht the threat players have due to security concern

it has got everythng to do with the mood of the poeple in india.no body want to see india and pakistan having cricket battel rite now..think i wont want them to do it now...what you will tell the families of the 200 odd people who lost thier dear ones when the goverment has been accusing everything related to pakistan after the terror attack
for that i have to say why does cricket and cricket lover suffer? the Mumbai attack was one of the worst and horrific incident along with 9/11 but for that to stop living and for that mater stop what we do daily is worst.. the atttack was one incident and if we let terriost know that it turn our lives upside down it would give them the boost to do it again and again.. i personally think playing this series could be a loud and clear massege to these unhuman beings.. we need to show them what they are doing can't effect/ influance our lives and the way our life style is..infect playing this serious could send a massege of condemn to all these wrong doings.. no mater where it is happening


Global Moderator
With a deep sense of disapointment, I've come to a conclusion that India and Pakistan should not play cricket with each other for the time being. There are deep wounds in India. Right now many in India associate anything Pakistani with a combination of hurt, suspicion, and anger. Whether that's fair or not depends on your perspective. So I say let time heal some wounds before we get on the field again as competitors...and brothers.


Global Moderator
A great article by Rameez Raja for Cricinfo. Echoes my sentiments 100%.

Pakistan's missed opportunity

Ramiz Raja

December 15, 2008

India and Pakistan are creatures of extremes: only yesterday they were all set to get betrothed; today they are at each other's throats. At one moment in transports of joy, at another in transports of grief. Sadly, such has been their brief.

Is the India-Pakistan cricket relationship on the verge of a break-up or will it survive the latest turbulence? Can bat and ball act as balm for the pangs of hurt?

In this tug of war of opinions and emotions, there are sections of society on both sides that are pulling against cricket diplomacy in favour of a show of antagonism toward each other. The other side is keen to give cricket a chance to break the stalemate of hate and promote the live-and-let-live theme. Conditions are in such a state of flux that it is difficult to commit too deeply in this affair. What about the PCB, though? Has it taken a position yet?

Reports confirm that while India is reticent, Pakistan is bending backwards to lure them into a contest, even at a neutral venue. I guess the prospect of a cash stimulus has got Pakistan thinking excitedly. Agreed, an Indian series is too lucrative to pass over, but is making overtures and running after India with a begging bowl the way to conduct cricket business? Doesn't the PCB get the message that India is not yet emotionally ready to play Pakistan?
This desperate state of dependency on others for funds is not a new phenomenon. Years of unimaginative and passive management have reduced Pakistan cricket to permanently searching for funds at the cost of honour and pride.

Isn't it madness to pin your hopes of getting rich on a source of revenue that you do not control? The odds of getting rich are as favourable as those of a blind man being able to walk a rope without falling down. Why, till today, has the PCB not unearthed a winning plan that would make it self-sufficient?

Over the years Pakistan's cricket administrators have had opportunities to position Pakistan cricket powerfully in the world theatre. Throughout the 90s, when the Pakistan team was the cynosure of all eyes, its administrators could have milked the advantage to develop international clout. They didn't.

In this regard, it is wrong to say that it is the size of your market alone that gets you respect and status. In fact, it's your cricket strength that provides you power and effectiveness. Australia is a cricket powerhouse today not because of its cricket commerce but because of its cricket performance. West Indies in the 80s used to demand exorbitant amounts of cash to tour countries on the basis of its great team. And during that period no country or law was able to challenge West Indies' slow over-rate tactics. On the other hand, Pakistan's glorious period was lost due to mismanagement that allowed player politics and player power to manifest. During all this internal strife, the value of voice and presence at cricket forums was lost.

It is time for Pakistan cricket to wake up and smell the coffee. If India and the rest of the world are to be engaged on equal terms as partners, and not as masters, the PCB will have to get its priorities right. To earn respect it has to develop a strong cricket team, an independent cricket mind, and a tough presence at the ICC. It must look inwardly to create a domestic revenue stream that it can have control over. For instance, a Pakistan Premier League can help to not only generate funds, the money may also induce international players to play in Pakistan. It may in the process unlock doors for bilateral series to resume in Pakistan.

Right now, India-Pakistan cricket is caught in a whirlwind of emotions and politics. For cricket between the two countries to resume, there has to be time and space. Let the clouds of mistrust lift and the dust settle before we broach the subject of cricket.

During cricket matches there are moments when tempers flare and hot-headed players on both sides clash with each other. But at the end of the day the handshakes arrest the angst, and teams make up. Cricket always wins.

biased indian

International Coach

Right now, India-Pakistan cricket is caught in a whirlwind of emotions and politics. For cricket between the two countries to resume, there has to be time and space. Let the clouds of mistrust lift and the dust settle before we broach the subject of cricket.

100% agree


With a deep sense of disapointment, I've come to a conclusion that India and Pakistan should not play cricket with each other for the time being. There are deep wounds in India. Right now many in India associate anything Pakistani with a combination of hurt, suspicion, and anger. Whether that's fair or not depends on your perspective. So I say let time heal some wounds before we get on the field again as competitors...and brothers.
India needs Sohail Tanveer, Misbah etc for the IPL.


International Debutant
With a deep sense of disapointment, I've come to a conclusion that India and Pakistan should not play cricket with each other for the time being. There are deep wounds in India. Right now many in India associate anything Pakistani with a combination of hurt, suspicion, and anger. Whether that's fair or not depends on your perspective. So I say let time heal some wounds before we get on the field again as competitors...and brothers.
I agree with this too.... i would like to see both teams play once again but not right now.


Hall of Fame Member
Good no-nonsense article from Rameez. I think it was a mistake to judge him by his commentatorship alone. Unless it is ghost written an article of high standard.
Rameez is one of the very few people in Pakistan cricket who still commands respect in the cricketing world,He is educated, smart and not afraid to speak his mind. He is Honest in what he does and only an honest person can raise the question :-

Doesn't the PCB get the message that India is not yet emotionally ready to play Pakistan?
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Cricketer Of The Year
Maybe its just me but the semiology of Indian and Pakistani athletes competing against one another as 'brothers' in a sport widely loved by both populations i.e cricket would be a massive tonic for the ill feeling the extremists who were responsible for Mumbai are trying to excarcebate


Hall of Fame Member
Maybe its just me but the semiology of Indian and Pakistani athletes competing against one another as 'brothers' in a sport widely loved by both populations i.e cricket would be a massive tonic for the ill feeling the extremists who were responsible for Mumbai are trying to excarcebate
Cricket should not be used as a means to correct the political mistakes by our leaders and that's why I am against this tour. I have nothing against Pakistani cricket, cricketers or Indian tour to Pakistan,but I am afraid, the current tour will become another exercise for displaying the shallow brotherhood and the real issues will be forgotten as usual. Cricket Diplomacy is the last thing we need right now.


U19 12th Man
I don't know whether Pakistan still has a future in Cricket world...... they have fallen ..... a complete re-build is required, i think they havent played enough games in 2008....... Cricket as of 2008 has only few names like India, England,SA, Australia and NZ , the matches involving W.I, Bangladesh, Paksitan,Zimbabwe etc are almost unimportant IMO


International Coach
I don't know whether Pakistan still has a future in Cricket world...... they have fallen ..... a complete re-build is required, i think they havent played enough games in 2008....... Cricket as of 2008 has only few names like India, England,SA, Australia and NZ , the matches involving W.I, Bangladesh, Paksitan,Zimbabwe etc are almost unimportant IMO
8-) 8-)


U19 Debutant
I think the tour is definitely going to get cancelled.Even if the BCCI and Govt give the green signal..i doubt the players would be willing to risk it.


Global Moderator
With it becoming increasing likely that India will not tour (or even play Pakistan at a neutral site), I was heartened by the latest statement by Ranatunga:

Sri Lanka offers to tour Pakistan if India don't

At this point, Pakistan needs to play cricket, any cricket, against International sides. They should welcome tours from those who are willing to come. The PCB should also put a heavy focus on its domestic games and promote their own Twenty20 league like several people have suggested. They have to take immediate and drastic measures to prevent cricket from dying in Pakistan. Incidentally, it will not be just to Pakistan’s detriment if the game slowly dies there. In today’s world, no sport can continue to thrive while dying away in numerous countries. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, and even the WI are in serious trouble. I don’t see any substantial indications of cricket’s growth in other countries. I know the money is falling from the sky right now due to the Indian market, but it will eventually dry up if things continue the way they are.
