Which sport do you play??????????????????????????FRAZ said:I want to see the best FAST bowler and the best Emerging Fast medium bowler back in the team as soon as possible .
The basic point that I described earlier was that there were certain flaws in the initial inquiry itself . A famous tennis player (Rudseski) was released after found having even higher level of Nandrolone . It can increase itself if a person stays on high mineral and protein diet . I myself being a sportsman never used performance enhancing drugs but have used a remedy called (Shilajit) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shilajitfor the healing of my badly twisted ankle (And it may contain some banned substances, so what? Its side effects might go away after a month or so I guess .And mind you that the "Kushta" that Shoaib uses might have contained some suspicious items and if there is no medical regulation itself against such medicines and are freely available then offcourse it should be taken as if this stuff is legal to use in Pakistan.Change the system first and then ban the players . Pathetic loser of an authority we have there .There is no law that they had to follow and they put a person Intekhab Alam (Having problems with Shoaib earlier may be) on this case .Patron in chief if can pardon a murder convict of a foreign nationality for the celebration of good will while having the laid back mentality ,then he should also step forward to save some careers (life in the other words) of his own "people" . PCB is a 6969 of a department and has no law what so ever for this breach of sportsmanship so why grinding the players now !!!