I think that theres one or two people involved in cricket coach who post on here, and i believe there (unsurprisingly) the biggest ICC critics (i may be wrong here though)
My best piece of advice is wait for the demo's. Personally my views on the 2006 games were that ICC shaded it, purely as it was the devil you knew. Cricket Coach LOOKED like it might well be the future king, but the demo engine didnt inspire me with confidence, thus i didnt buy it. New games are like that (CM/FM analogy, whenever they bring out a completely new match engine its always a bit funny for the first year)
However, its a new year, i'm sure Cricket Coach is a far better model than it was, and the gameplay certainly looks far more indepth than ICC (infact found myself pining for that a bit the last few months).
Personally i'm waiting for a few demo's, get a taste of playing them before buying. Got a feeling that Cricket Coach may come up trumps. If its what it looks like it could be then it'll streak ahead, however if its not quite right then ICC's experience (and in some ways its simplicity) might make it the more enjoyable game