Examples? I can't think of any of the top of my head. I can think of a couple of things like that relatively recently - one where Boucher IIRC said that he wouldn't want to have a beer with the Aussie team, and a few of the players came out and said they thought that attitude was disappointing, but nobody said that Boucher didn't have the right to say it (that I saw at least). The other was when Vincent came out and said he thought the Aussies were arrogant tools (or words to that effect), and again, I think players responded saying they disagreed with that assessment and would probably have a word or two with Vincent when they next saw him, but again, nobody I can recall came out and said it was inappropriate for him to come out and express an opinion.
Before the last couple of Ashes series there was lots of banter before the series' about the Aussies being too old, and the Aussies participated in that banter and suggested that they'd see who laughed last, but again, I don't think any of them had a sook about it.
I may be wrong, and Ponting, McGrath or others might have made comments like you mention, but I can't remember them - can you refresh my memory?