Hall of Fame Member
you only needed to sign in once jamee 

Currently living in Japan without net connectionLoony BoB said:GAJ Armstrong (Green)
Retiring (I think)Loony BoB said:A Maddocks (Red)
BannedLoony BoB said:Amit Shukla (Red)
AFAIK not. The impression I've been getting is that he's staying there out the year at least.Loony BoB said:Do you know if Armstrong will be returning at any point during this season, ie, will it be worth keeping him in the league?
Only two players from the mighty Blues have not signed up, that good signs for next season, shows we have a very committed squad. BTW Harris has retired.BL Wilshire (Blue)
MP Phillips (Blue)
R Harris (Blue)
NL Patrick (Blue) - has left as far as I know
PBB is banned, IIRC.Loony BoB said:The following members are still active in the forums (at least within the last few days):
Craig (CN Walsh)
Waughney (A Feeney)
LongHopCassidy (TJ Whelan)
Pratyush (Pratyush Agarwal)
a massive zebra (C Law)
Got_Spin (RJ Hing)
Retox (DC Cole)
Biased Indian (PR Sajith)
Ferd (A Ferd)
chris.hinton (C Hinton)
As for the others, their last post/activity was on...
delkap - 29/12/04 (D Delkap)
jimbospaghetti - 16/03/05 (EJ McMahon)
crazy_macca - 16/03/05 (S Jones)
Timewell - 20/03/05 (R Timewell)
Wally West - 28/03/05 (Z Mohammed)
RigorMortis - 26/04/05 (R Harris)
BlackCap_Fan - 16/05/05 (BL Wilshire)
zghansar - 04/06/05 (Z Ghansar)
The names I have for Phillips and Loc are Peanutbutterbar and Platinum... but I can't find their accounts anywhere...? Not sure if they had name changes or something.
Whoops - my apologies to Zaid!Mr Mxyzptlk said:It wasn't Ghansar who was banned. It was Imran Khan Jr./Yasa Fayaz.
Well i really hope they check here before the cut off at the end of this month for their sake.The following members are still active in the forums (at least within the last few days):