Congrats to Australia - by far the best team throughout the tournament. Hugely impressive.
Bit of a disappointing end to the final. Australia were obviously in a commanding position, but I thought we clawed it back nicely with those three quick wickets and it could have become quite interesting with one or two more. But now we'll never know.
The umpires seemed a bit over-cautious to me. In the first interruption, the rain had pretty much stopped by the time they made it off the field. But they wasted a whole lot of time by getting the ground staff to drag the thingamajig around the outfield. That didn't leave much time up their sleeve when the second (more significant) shower came across.
Ah well. The corporate box was interesting. A pretty good view, plus padded seat and leg room. I also got treated completely differently to any other time I've been to a cricket game. I went there straight from work and didn't want to leave my laptop bag in my car, so I took it in with me - it didn't even get checked. It could have been completely full of vodka and projectiles, for all they knew. But all I got was a, "Right this way, sir." They seem to treat corporate box folk as a different class of people.
There was supposed to be one plate of dinner for every person in the box, but I was out in the seats watching the cricket (strange thing to do at a cricket game, apparently), and by the time I went inside, no dinners remained.
I'm pretty happy in the cheap seats, tbf.