What do you recommend he does though? Captain is entitled to think that between six or so bowlers one of them might grow a brain. Some of the stuff from Siddle especially has been pus.Go Sri Lanka.
Clarke's captaincy is looking pretty flaccid right now.
We definitely have had a couple recently, but we're not unique in that.Haha Australia have a history of doing this. I remember Srinath and Kumble putting on 50 odd for the 9th wicket in Bangalore in the Titan Cup to take us home. Sachin got an 80 odd in the same game.
Yeah, but we said that against India as well. They've also got a fair few overs left, so if need be they may go on the defence.Australia should still win this. The way these two are playing one of them (most likely Malinga) will make a screw up. Only Murali to come who could stick around and hit out but could also be skittled easily.
Australia *should* win.
Yeah, definitely.We definitely have had a couple recently, but we're not unique in that.
There goes Starc's international career.
He's fielding.Starc isn't playing..
Siddle doesn't have a brain.Siddle doing a **** job here however.
He wouldn't have got to it but wasn't the best fielding. Key fielders should be in the outfield and **** ones in the ring. The CH9 commentators are just pissed off Australia are losing (except Greig lol)There goes Starc's international career.