Guys, lay off of marc, I'm sure that he has a lot to deal with, what with his team not doing well. I mean, he has to come up with
some kind of excuses. Heaven forbid it actually be the player's form, selections or tactics he might use when losing or drawing games against the Colts while other teams are able to do well against us - let alone which team might just have played better on the day, or possibly his fielders missed too many chances as some of his other players I think have pointed out in this thread already. Shock, horror. Those explanations would simply be unthinkable! I, for one, would never suggest such things.
Also, Liam *did* do something about the rookies by adding an experience system. Next season he might consider doing more, I'm sure. But to do both an experience system and a tighter restriction on signups at the same time could have been overcompensation. I think Liam has gone about everything in a businesslike manner rather than a "oh crap guys lets do everything we can to fix it now lol" fashion. Let me put it this way: A cricket captain does not put in eleven bowlers because his first four don't bowl out the opposition.
Now, I don't know what tactics Marc is using, but if he is ever wanting assistance with his team, Kyle and I may be able to work out a nice money-for-advice solution - I've not talked to Kyle about this, mind you, so we'll have to wait and see if he's willing.
Personally, I think it's just the fact that marc is so easy to wind up when playing against the Colts. The lightest of our friendly banter, especially when from the new chaps, seems to get him very hot headed, and his decision making as a captain may well be affected by it. Just a guess, though.
He's a good laugh in the CW Bar, though. And surely that is, at the end of the day, what counts.