I personally think they did have great matches together though. To pick a few:
2/3 Falls Fully Loaded 98 (for the IC belt. HHH as the face, part of the NOD-DX feud, ended 1-1 with the time limit expiring just as Triple H hit the pedigree)
Ladder match Summerslam 98 (same feud as above, again for the IC belt, HHH got the win but it was the start of Rock getting over as a face despite being a heel)
Summerslam 2000, triple threat with Angle. Going into this one it was all about HHH-Angle, Angle goes and gets a concussion early on, and so it wound up being Rock-HHH for the bulk of it and boy did they put on a classic.
Just a few examples there for me, obviously you disagree and that's fine but personally I thought they always told a great story in the ring.
yeah tbf I always forget about the Summerslam triple threat, was indeed a great one, shame that Angle did get injured in some ways, as it makes you wonder how things would have panned out otherwise, though perhaps it's better that way, as otherwise Rock and HHH wouldn't have had the chance to put on the show they did. I never much liked the Summerslam 98 Ladder match though, it was alright, but all I remember it for really, was the Rock's....*ahem* Strudel being partially visible through his trunks every time he fell off the ladder, and Mark Henry repeatedly getting his ass handed to him by Chyna who must have punched him in the nuts at least 3 times during that match. Don't think I've ever seen the two out of three falls, may have to youtube it.
And despite saying I never thought they had great matches, if someone asked me for what my favourite match involving the Rock was, I would without hesitation say "Rock vs HHH, Backlash 2000", will always remember that match, don't think I have ever marked out so much in my life other than for that match. The Rock Bottom through the announce table was just epic, and the way the crowd went nuts after the spinebuster was amazing. Good old days. Come to think of it I can't think what my next favourite Rock match would be actually, maybe his one against Hogan or one of his WM matches against Austin. Special mention to his match against Lesnar as well, though I was genuinely saddened at him losing, and actually couldn't believe it (my heart sank after Brock jumped up from the spinebuster) at the time, the way the Rock put Lesnar over was incredible, you really genuinely believed that this amazing athlete, the guy we had all been rooting for and loved for the best part of three years, had really pushed himself to the limit, given it his absolute all, and it still was not enough to get the victory, what a guy, put Lesnar over the moon in one night, and in some ways for mine, that was the Rock's finest performance of all. Just a shame that it was ultimately a waste and Lesnar left the company a short time after.
I lament the way Lesnar went out tbh, not particularly because I liked him a great deal (though he was awesome) or because the E miss him, but because you kind of feel that the whole experience with him put Vince and the E management off giving anyone else a similar push, and has set the trend for the only way new talent gets put over is by feeding them jobbers, which as has alraedy been mentioned in this thread, is just bilge.
Blimey, that was a bit of an essay, didn't intend to write so much.