Would people have cared nearly as much about Bryan if they (and the IWC more generally) weren't sitting around complaining that he was being buried?
Seriously, in this era the best way to get a face over is to take someone that fans/the IWC at least kinda like, and make it look like they're being legitimately buried. Then all the waaaahhh-ing comes in, you keep 'em looking buried more. More waaaahhh-ing, more crowd reaction that the WWE 'doesn't want', and the guy's over as ****. Then you pull the trigger at WM 30 after offering the crowd Batista, and you get the hottest reaction in recent memory.
This isn't the 90s, and it damn sure isn't the 80s rock-and-wrestling era. Creating stars is harder these days, because you have the IWC and the internet and the leaks -- and the knowledge that this is all political.
Seriously, think of this as an irl storyline. You have Bryan, an awesome worker. He gets screwed a few times, he gets chucked into a pointless angle with the Wyatts, he looks like he's gonna be stuck in midcard when he should be so much higher. And then he gets there. It's the smark version of the classic 'road to redemption' storyline -- although instead of Batista getting the better of heel-faction evolution, Daniel Bryan has got the better of the entire political process that is the WWE backstage.
Whether the WWE did that intentionally, or whether it came about more organically, or whether it was WWE blundering from one error to the next and it just kinda worked somehow is up for debate. But I think we have to stop thinking and analysing in 1980s-2000s wrestling terms.
Most fans are kids or smarks, and the smarks are better connected than ever as the wrestlers themselves break the fourth wall now and exist away from RAW. I'd be worried if the WWE wasn't trying to play the IWC to get people over and get the reactions they want. Sure, they still **** up a lot, but Trips seems to know what he's doing with these things backstage and knows that purely on-screen, in-character pushes aren't nearly as powerful as they were 20 years ago.