bit late, but caught over the limit pretty much on accident, Christian v Orton was awesome, hated the main event though. Went too far for mine, like how Mick Foley talked in his book about suspending the disbelief or whatever, about halfway through the main event I got fed up with the fact that Cena was still alive (that sounds so much worse than it's supposed to haha) and by the time he came back to win it in about a minute after the beating he was given, was totally over it.
RAW was pretty fun though, pretty much echo MB's view, Alex Riley snapping on the Miz was awesome to watch, even if out of nowhere it made me a little sad for what might have been if they'd had Ted Dibiase jr do the same thing to Orton at the height of tension in legacy. Still annoyed that didn't happen.
And yeah I love crazy R-Truth so bad, such a nutcase, highlight of the entire show for me was when he used the word diddlysquat. Deserves to be a WWE champ just for that imho.
Happy to find out Kharma is pregnant (happy for her anyway), but that segment was so stupid. Apparently she stayed in the ring crying throughout the entire commercial break and the people in attendence were booing like crazy. Can't say I blame them, I was pretty hyped when she came out and then it descended into that.
last thing I want to touch on, obv I'm not as big a Christian fan as some other members on the board but still think it was kinda ****ty to do the whole 5 day title reign thing, but after seeing the buildup to his title match vs Orton, and just the whole partner/friendship with Edge thing, anyone else betting on him winning Money in the Bank? would be awesome. Only two months until MitB, would love to see him pull an Edge and cash in on Orton when he's half ded.