I am also reffering to Western Zodiac. A Cusp is the boundary line in space between zodiac Signs. It's a lot simpler to just list Eight date ranges and say that if you were born within one of those ranges you "are" a cusp. Saggitarius covers from 22-Nov till 22-Dec. Imran and Botham are born in Scorpio-Saggitarius cusp. Determined, forceful, passionate, Exciting and magnetic are Traditional Scorpio Traits (Adam Gilchrist, VVS Laxman). Jovial and good-humored, Honest and straightforward are Traditional Saggitarius Traits. (Flintoff)
Sorry I was wrong abt Flintoff's B'day, yes he is Saggitarius. He has been plagued with injuries, Sagittarius governs the legs, hips, thighs and sacral area. Yuvraj had knee Injury. Flintoff had warnings about his behaviour, indulged in some late night drinking in a night club. Injuries, comeback, Behaviour Warning and early retirement.
Geoff Lawson is Sagittarian, suffered from injuries as much as any good fast bowler.
Ricky Ponting is again a cusp case 19 Dec. He has both Saggitarius and Capricorn traits.