Have to, surely? Has broken the first commandment of Australian cricket ("
Thou shalt not lose to the poms") three times now. As a captain he just looks gone but I think he still has something to offer as a batsman. CA should emphasise this when they give him a subtle shove.
If the fact Clarke doesn't look a captain in waiting keeps Ponting in situ then that's piss-weak leadership from above. Haddin & Hussey are both senior, repsected players who have stood up (would guess they've scored nearly 50% of Australia's runs between them) and could do the job in the immediate short term until a younger bloke steps up.
Anyway, hearty congrats to the two Andys and the rest of the chaps.

We came with a definite plan nad have been good enough to execute it. The blip at Perth made the performance at the 'G all the more impressive.