It's awful isn't it? Astounds me reallyJesus ****.
I mean, seriously? These ****s understand how the internet works, right?
I love how they've all been deleted as soon as the mainstream media started reporting it. ****ing cowards.Language/oh the humanity warning, the response to the pic I posted earlier
I agree mate, just think the prospect for egg on face is big, as someone who lives his life like that (check my posting history) I have no problem with it.Nah balls it, he's a football man, and his employer is Liverpool. He's every right to post a laugh at Utd. Anyone who claims its 'unprofessional' can get bent. Footballs all about rivalries, and half the fun is watching your rivals suffer. To say players should be above that is wrong. I'd rather see one of my teams players laughing at Liverpool losing, it shows at least they have half a sense of what the clubs about (probably the only half of sense they have).
When I come to power I'm bringing in a sterilisation program for undesirables. People will need to provide access to their twitter account for scrutiny....
Well, that clearly crossed the line tbf but it wasn't racist or prejudiced in any way other than a hatred of John welshReminds me of a tweet a friend of GIMH made about John Welsh![]()
Haha, indeed not. It was extremely amusing though.Well, that clearly crossed the line tbf but it wasn't racist or prejudiced in any way other than a hatred of John welsh
Yeah it's great. Raises the stakes, because you hate losing to players that do that **** but love beating them more than anything.Yeah agree.
When an opposition player is goading our fans I go off on one in the heat of the moment but love it when our player does it back