Unfortunately that is frankly incorrect. Regardless of the amount of shirts sold the signature of Dong always was going to make lots of money for Man Utd completely irrespective of this. For example, Dong signing for Man Utd increases amount of merchandise sold (which would obviously include replica shirts, but also endless, scarfs, mugs, posters, etc... etc....), more hits from china to the UTD website, which would thus also increase merchandise sales, the increase in the fan base would mean more Utd fans in asia....and increased fan base = more income through merchandise/tickets/membership. To suggest Park Ji Sung was signed purely because through the desire to make more money is perhaps also innacurate, it is obvious that he is a very useable player, the fact that he is from asia I imagine was a big factor, but not the only one, the same cannot be said of Dong Fangzhuo. Whether Man Utd are making profit through the shirt sales is debateable, whether they are making money through other means as a result of him being on the roster is not questionable in the slightest.