Girlfriend tells me that bad luck comes in threes.. Mine comes to the power three.. Stepdad just collapsed tonight and is in hospital miles away..
And you'd thought the poor fellow had already had enough hardship.
Sheeeysh... dunno what can be said that I've not already said TBH.Girlfriend tells me that bad luck comes in threes.. Mine comes to the power three.. Stepdad just collapsed tonight and is in hospital miles away..
Basically I don't know where I'll be, but I'll always be in a country with some cricketwebbers in.. Although becoming a hermit and dune surfer in Namibia seems an attractive prospect at the moment. It's got so bad I'm kind of numb to everything bad happening.
Really wish I could get to one of these things. The regulars such as Matteh, Richard, Pickup, Hingston are all guys I'd love to meet, throw yourself and sledger in there and it makes me want to do it even more. Maybe next yearJesus Rich, bad luck really does wanna get you this year (and last, and the one before that....) Hope he's OK.
CAnt see the 9th being too much of a problem here ATM, but then life likes to throw little surprises up every so often.