Well done Fatt
The Honour Roll:
Halsey 25/02-28/03/05
Cloete 01/04-18/04/05
Halsey 12/01-12/02/07
Brumby 23/02-26/03/07
Brumby, marc & Matteh (tied) 30/03-07/05/07
Brumby 10/08-17/09/07
Jamee 21/09-22/10/07
headhunter 26/10-26/11/07
Vimes 30/11-30/12/07
Halsey 05/01-04/02/08
grecian 08/02-24/03/08
altoz 28/03-05/05/08
Agent TBY & headhunter (tied) 08/08-25/08/08
pasag 30/08-26/10/08
Matteh 01/11-01/12/08
roseboy 06/12-26/12/08
Simon 02/01-09/02/09
GIMH 14/02-23/03/09
fertang, SKD & Vimes (tied) 27/03-27/04/09
grecian 02/05-30/05/09
biased indian 07/08-07/09/09
biased indian 11/09-05/10/09
biased indian 09/10-23/11/09
grecian 28/11-21/12/09
fertang 26/12/09-11/01/10
ripper 16/1-08/03/10
fertang & Somerset (tied) 12/3-19/4/10
Brumby 24/04-22/05/10
Marcuss & Somerset (tied) 6/8-6/9/10
Pickup 11/9-27/9/10
Pickup 02/10-18/10/10
fatt 22/10-15/11/10
fertang 20/11-20/12/10
Brumby 26/12/10-31/01/11
sledger 04/02-14/03/11
grecian 18/03-04/04/11
biased indian & ripper (tied) 08/04-16/05/11
Brumby & Vimes (tied) 05/08-26/09/11
Furball 30/9-10/10/11
biased indian 14/10-07/11/11
Somerset 11/11-19/12/11
Brumby 20/12/11-23/01/12
biased indian 27/01-05/03/11
biased indian 09/03-16/04/12
Johnners 20/04-27/05/12
Somerset 10/08-20/08/12
marc 24/08-10/09/12
Brumby 14/09-22/10/12
Marcuss & Uppercut (tied) 26/10-10/12/12
Brumby & fertang (tied) 15/12/12-13/01/13
fatt 18/01-18/02/13
grecian 22/02-01/04/13
biased indian, Marcuss, morgie & Vimes (tied) 05/04-17/04/13
Howe 19/04-19/05/13
marc 02/08-01/09/13
fatt, Marcuss & Vimes (tied) 07/09-30/09/13
fertang 04/10-13/10/13
Marcuss 18/10-02/12/13
grecian 06/12/13-13/01/14
Brumby & flibberty (tied) 18/01-13/02/14
Brumby 14/02-10/03/14
marc 15/03-14/04/14
fertang 18/04-08/05/14
NUFAN 08/08-01/09/14
fertang 05/09-06/10/14
Marcuss 17/10-30/11/14
biased indian 05/12-30/12/14
flibberty 01/01-26/01/15
Pothas 30/01-16/02/15
NUFAN 20/02-09/03/15
biased indian 13/03-04/05/15
Brumby 06/05/15-30/05/15
fertang, GIMH and Uppercut (tied) 07/08/15-07/09/15
NUFAN 11/09/15-26/09/15
Samuel Vimes 2/10-15-14/11-15
GIMH -5/8/16-02/09/16
Ripper868 09/09/16-01/10//16
grecian 08/10/2016- 05.11/2016
Deserved L for picking Millwall, tbh.
So, going again next week?
Oh go on then, I don't want to be an ender of the tradition. It would be nice if a mod could change the thread title, I asked one last time, but it seemed to be stonily refused. Less than 10 and I'll probably kibosh my running of it.
fixtures you are all welcome even people that don't agree Mourinho is evil and whiny, Cornish can **** off though, gotta have standards.