We have our winner, then.
GIMH: Burnley 0 to beat Middlesbrough 1
marc: Tranmere 2 to beat Shrewsbury 1
A win for his beloved Tranny Rovers means a loss for Corrin. Marc secures his third outright title in a little over 18 months after waiting more than 7 years for his first. Congrats to him.
The Honour Roll:
Halsey 25/02-28/03/05
Cloete 01/04-18/04/05
Halsey 12/01-12/02/07
Brumby 23/02-26/03/07
Brumby, marc & Matteh (tied) 30/03-07/05/07
Brumby 10/08-17/09/07
Jamee 21/09-22/10/07
headhunter 26/10-26/11/07
Vimes 30/11-30/12/07
Halsey 05/01-04/02/08
grecian 08/02-24/03/08
altoz 28/03-05/05/08
Agent TBY & headhunter (tied) 08/08-25/08/08
pasag 30/08-26/10/08
Matteh 01/11-01/12/08
roseboy 06/12-26/12/08
Simon 02/01-09/02/09
GIMH 14/02-23/03/09
fertang, SKD & Vimes (tied) 27/03-27/04/09
grecian 02/05-30/05/09
biased indian 07/08-07/09/09
biased indian 11/09-05/10/09
biased indian 09/10-23/11/09
grecian 28/11-21/12/09
fertang 26/12/09-11/01/10
ripper 16/1-08/03/10
fertang & Somerset (tied) 12/3-19/4/10
Brumby 24/04-22/05/10
Marcuss & Somerset (tied) 6/8-6/9/10
Pickup 11/9-27/9/10
Pickup 02/10-18/10/10
fatt 22/10-15/11/10
fertang 20/11-20/12/10
Brumby 26/12/10-31/01/11
sledger 04/02-14/03/11
grecian 18/03-04/04/11
biased indian & ripper (tied) 08/04-16/05/11
Brumby & Vimes (tied) 05/08-26/09/11
Furball 30/9-10/10/11
biased indian 14/10-07/11/11
Somerset 11/11-19/12/11
Brumby 20/12/11-23/01/12
biased indian 27/01-05/03/11
biased indian 09/03-16/04/12
Johnners 20/04-27/05/12
Somerset 10/08-20/08/12
marc 24/08-10/09/12
Brumby 14/09-22/10/12
Marcuss & Uppercut (tied) 26/10-10/12/12
Brumby & fertang (tied) 15/12/12-13/01/13
fatt 18/01-18/02/13
grecian 22/02-01/04/13
biased indian, Marcuss, morgie & Vimes (tied) 05/04-17/04/13
Howe 19/04-19/05/13
marc 02/08-01/09/13
fatt, Marcuss & Vimes (tied) 07/09-30/09/13
fertang 04/10-13/10/13
Marcuss 18/10-02/12/13
grecian 06/12/13-13/01/14
Brumby & flibberty (tied) 18/01-13/02/14
Brumby 14/02-10/03/14
marc 15/03-14/04/14
GIMH: Burnley 0 to beat Middlesbrough 1
marc: Tranmere 2 to beat Shrewsbury 1
A win for his beloved Tranny Rovers means a loss for Corrin. Marc secures his third outright title in a little over 18 months after waiting more than 7 years for his first. Congrats to him.
The Honour Roll:
Halsey 25/02-28/03/05
Cloete 01/04-18/04/05
Halsey 12/01-12/02/07
Brumby 23/02-26/03/07
Brumby, marc & Matteh (tied) 30/03-07/05/07
Brumby 10/08-17/09/07
Jamee 21/09-22/10/07
headhunter 26/10-26/11/07
Vimes 30/11-30/12/07
Halsey 05/01-04/02/08
grecian 08/02-24/03/08
altoz 28/03-05/05/08
Agent TBY & headhunter (tied) 08/08-25/08/08
pasag 30/08-26/10/08
Matteh 01/11-01/12/08
roseboy 06/12-26/12/08
Simon 02/01-09/02/09
GIMH 14/02-23/03/09
fertang, SKD & Vimes (tied) 27/03-27/04/09
grecian 02/05-30/05/09
biased indian 07/08-07/09/09
biased indian 11/09-05/10/09
biased indian 09/10-23/11/09
grecian 28/11-21/12/09
fertang 26/12/09-11/01/10
ripper 16/1-08/03/10
fertang & Somerset (tied) 12/3-19/4/10
Brumby 24/04-22/05/10
Marcuss & Somerset (tied) 6/8-6/9/10
Pickup 11/9-27/9/10
Pickup 02/10-18/10/10
fatt 22/10-15/11/10
fertang 20/11-20/12/10
Brumby 26/12/10-31/01/11
sledger 04/02-14/03/11
grecian 18/03-04/04/11
biased indian & ripper (tied) 08/04-16/05/11
Brumby & Vimes (tied) 05/08-26/09/11
Furball 30/9-10/10/11
biased indian 14/10-07/11/11
Somerset 11/11-19/12/11
Brumby 20/12/11-23/01/12
biased indian 27/01-05/03/11
biased indian 09/03-16/04/12
Johnners 20/04-27/05/12
Somerset 10/08-20/08/12
marc 24/08-10/09/12
Brumby 14/09-22/10/12
Marcuss & Uppercut (tied) 26/10-10/12/12
Brumby & fertang (tied) 15/12/12-13/01/13
fatt 18/01-18/02/13
grecian 22/02-01/04/13
biased indian, Marcuss, morgie & Vimes (tied) 05/04-17/04/13
Howe 19/04-19/05/13
marc 02/08-01/09/13
fatt, Marcuss & Vimes (tied) 07/09-30/09/13
fertang 04/10-13/10/13
Marcuss 18/10-02/12/13
grecian 06/12/13-13/01/14
Brumby & flibberty (tied) 18/01-13/02/14
Brumby 14/02-10/03/14
marc 15/03-14/04/14