Noburkey_1988 said:Just to clarfiy, does the '2 different aspects of the game' mean two diff forms, such as Test, which we know is one, and ODI for example?
Q2 is the other record in Tests also ? Yes. But its not a record in a strict sense ! But a sequence which is unique !!burkey_1988 said:so is the other record in Tests also?
Questionburkey_1988 said:is the player ED Weekes?
Q4 are they batting records ? Yes One is . ( SJS would've answered this yes or no acording to his fancyburkey_1988 said:are they batting records?
Q5 is the batting record the one to do with a sequence ? Noburkey_1988 said:is the batting record the one to do with a sequence?
Q6 has the batting one got to do with centuries in a series ? Noburkey_1988 said:has the batting one got to do with centuries in a series?
Q7 player from southern hemisphere ? Yesburkey_1988 said:i'll try going for the player ... southern hemisphere?
Q8 Australian ? Yesburkey_1988 said:Australian?
(as opposed to the one shared with others)burkey_1988 said:is the batting record the unique one?
Q9 is the batting record the unique one? Yesburkey_1988 said:is the batting record the unique one?