This one time when I was bout 16, me and three friends were at one of their houses having a bit of a gathering and all getting a bit tipsy. He lived in a flat above a chip shop, too, so there was no garden or anything. So at about 4 a.m we decided we wanted a game of cricket, and seeing as there was nowhere else to play, we went out to play it in the road outside his house, which was normally a main road, but it was empty 'cause of the time of morning. So we got out there, and two of my friends play cricket for the local teams, and me and the other guy were both just nubs. So one of them went in to bat, the other to bowl, I went to wicket keeper and the guy who's house we were at went to field. First ball, the batsman beasts the first ball with this pull shot, and it lands in this bush by the pub. So the fielder goes "I'LL GET IT!" being a bit drunk, runs up and dives into this bush and then just screams when he realises it was a thorn bush. So he's stuck for like 20 minutes, we're all laughing at him and the ball never got found.
That was an amazing game, f'serious.