All the news about Manchester at the moment is how the fans are taking the Glazer triplets to their hearts and I think I've discussed that enough for the moment. So I thought it was time to answer another batch of your e-mails.
Steve from UK: As a lifelong Liverpool Reds fan, I'd love to know what you think of our team's chances in the Euro-series first round against a great team from the City of Wales the Total Network Solutions.
Roswell: I'm confused, Steve. How are the Total Network Solutions even in the Euro Series this year? I've had a look and they are not even in the EPL! It says they are champions of Wales, but why do they have their own pennant?
Next Wales will want to have an international team of their own as well! Pop went over to Britain last year and he said he couldn't find the city of Total Network Solutions at all. He wanted to go because he heard they do lots of dancing on the streets there.
James from Guildford: Roswell, on your list of Manchester legends, you forgot to mention Mark Hughes. Please could you give me your profile of him.
Roswell: Pop says Mark Hughes was a great offenser. His most famous goal came in a Euro Series match when he scored with a spectacular BMX-kick from the 18-yard line. He's now the head coach of the Blackburn Pyros, a northern prison team about 200 miles north of the Nike Trafford ballpark.
Ashwin from London: yo dude, just e-mailing u 2 know... on ur recent blog - The London Chelseas Power Show - in msn spaces u mentioned tht chelsea r tryin 2 buy crespo 4m ACmilan but dude he's already a chelsea player who has just been loaned out to ACmilan....get ur stats right kid...& wht's this **** about Arnesen...dude do u know who he is......he is not a player dude..he is the best god damn scout....who identifies young knights...
P.S - All Man seem to be duds man!!!
Roswell: I'm sorry Ashwin, I'm doing my best. My passion is for the Manchester franchise, not the London Chelseas one. I've got a question for you though... if Arnesen identifies young knights, are the Chelseas entering some kind of jousting league this year?
Bet the Welsh aren't too happy about that comment.
And apparently they have been around for 13 years. Is this guy trying to be funny or is doing it by natural? Either way he is doing a good job.