Also, he seems to gain momentum as he scuffs along the floorThat is four seconds of awesome, but it must be a hoax. The other guy carries on running, he would have looked over.
"Tumbleweed" is the term you're looking for, imo.Zing.
Umm i could be wrong but i dont think henman has won a grass tournament in his career, he's a good player but you cant expect him to win wimbledon,lol
lol i think they do play rugby... just not very well....
ahahaha toughest game? c'mon man,lol... Rugby Union or Aussie Rules Footy kills that for toughness
lol i totally disagree with that, rugby is far tougher than league, in league you get hit then you have a break, in rugby you get tackled then youre on the ground with people stepping on you.... although i think Aussie rules beats both of them.. for toughness, skill and excitement lol
lol AFL players are fitter then rugby and NFL players and would be stronger than NFL players... a fat guy falling on a rugby or AFL player wouldnt hurt and as for the speed.. hmm i can safely say there would be Aussie rule football players that are faster
Haha.I'd back the rugby players any day of the week, a little bit of physical contact and they'd drop like a fly... i think the gay remark wasnt necessary..