halsey said:
Richard, what do you bowl?
Also, regarding your earlier point about ER, very few CC bowlers have a good ER nowadays.
True, and it's a very worrying trait.
I bowl medium-fast (by the standards of those I play with and against). When I was being clocked (obviously then I was trying to bowl as fast as I could every ball - I don't when I'm actually playing) the fastest I managed was 69, average 64.
I bowl big hooping outswingers whenever you give me a new ball and sometimes the thing decides to go the other way, for no apparent reason. I never deliberately change anything.
I've never swung any ball, new or old, once I've bowled about 40 balls. Presumably something wrong with my action, and combined with my lack of stamina, resulting in my seam-position denegrating when more "tired".
My accuracy usually leaves something to be desired, but when I get it right I can be devestEIGHTing, as demonstrated by my 4-over 7-for and my 7 wickets in 5 overs in a 6-over spell.
Swing and accuracy, at any pace, can be deadly. Not to mention when the ball's seaming all over the place as well, and the odd one's skipping on the floor.