No chance. Uncle Stonewall was a fair weather captain- great when the team was going well, but when it came to the match that really mattered he was off lying in the ground somewhere.Hack, tbh. Average inflated by the early victories against the inexperience Union side on some flat decks. FS Jackson's Uncle Stonewall the premier Confederate skipper, IMHO.
He has a bit of a Chinese/Korean in him though.
And Brett Lee the dog has probably shagged more bitches than Brett Lee the cricketer...Clearly he's not Chinese - the Chinese were the boxers, whereas Brett Lee is definitely a greyhound.
As do the near albino blond hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. Holy phrenology batman, back to the bat-gene lab!!He has a bit of a Chinese/Korean in him though. His eyes tell the story.....No offense to any Chinese or Koreans at all....
Any relation to Lara?
lol i cant believe u guys thought i wuz serious lol it was my intention all long guys lololI just want to make it clear, I was not being serious in the original post. The reason I created this thread was because I was trying to search some stuff on Brett Lee being accused of chucking. I was going to type on google "brett lee chucking" but while typing "brett lee ch" the recommendation that came up was "is brett lee chinese" which was so random I decided to post it here.
Classic.I just want to make it clear, I was not being serious in the original post. The reason I created this thread was because I was trying to search some stuff on Brett Lee being accused of chucking. I was going to type on google "brett lee chucking" but while typing "brett lee ch" the recommendation that came up was "is brett lee chinese" which was so random I decided to post it here.