OK, T_C (or Corey or whatever you prefer to be called):
Thank you for correcting me about McGrath's ability to bowl off-cutters, it's something I will watch-out for.
However, I really wish you would stop going-on about this "subtle, not always noticeable by camera" stuff. And I wish you wouldn't keep talking about "movement" without mentioning how he moves it.
If you look closely enough, you will always notice movement, especially off the pitch. It's not a question of the camera not noticing it, it's a case of viewers not noticing it.
If there really is movement that a camera can't notice, it's not likely to cause much trouble to batsmen. Yes, a huge deviation will never cause trouble (unless it's straight) as it'll just beat the edge, but something which moves a couple of micrometres isn't going to cause trouble, either.
If you move the ball, you have to move it with a certain technique. Cricket balls are (except when they go out of shape) round things and they hence bounce evenly, sideways and up-and-down, on even, dry ground, anyway.
If there are cracks or live grass on the pitch, just landing it on the seam will make it move sideways, up-and-down or both. If neither, however, you need to do something else - in the case of spinners, turn it, in the case of seamers, cut it. If McGrath can do this and I haven't noticed it, I apologise.
Alternatively, you can swing it, through the air - whether conventional or reverse.
However, the fact remains that most wickets McGrath has taken recently have been, by accounts I have read, poor strokes. Even if he's capable of moving the ball in any conditions, that doesn't appear to have been the reason for most of his wickets recently.