tooextracool said:
did you even watch the 99 wc??zimbabwe beat both india and SA, so they made it thro not because of boycotts or the weather but by performances on field......
Well Zimbabwe didn't boycott, England Did, Kenya didn't boycott, NZ did. They had no control over Rain. Did they ?? Are you saying Zimbabwe were a better team than England in 1999 world cup ? Silly me, I thought England beat Zimbabwe easily in 199 world cup.
tooextracool said:
whats this about the super six that you keep talking about? that wc format takes into account performances throughout the world cup to decide who goes through to the semis....points from the leagues stage are carried through! NZ obviously played better cricket in the entire wc so they should have gone through!
And they did go to the super six round ?? Didn't they ?? Now dont tell me that they deserved it more than Kenya to go to the Semi Finals by winning equal no. of matches. Incase you didn't know the CF points in super six depended on who else qualified with your team and your performance against that team counts. Kenya, NZ & SL made to super six, Kenya won agains SL, NZ lost to SL, Kenya was awarded points against NZ because NZ boycotted the game. Kenya went to Super six with 4, SL with 2 and NZ with 0. What is the problem here ? Wasn't this format same in 1999 as well ?? Cut you BS and dont try to mislead people by claiming that NZ played better cricket entire WC or that the 1999 format takes into account performance throughout the WC, it only counts your performance against other teams qualifying for Super Six.
tooextracool said:
thats absurd......they were genuine security fears there.
Yes, we understand that, Just like the genuine security threats in Zimbabwe.
tooextracool said:
for kenya to win a game against a test playing nation they require an extremely bad day from their opponents and they themselves should be having their very best day. why is it not surprising that those 4 test playing nations that they have beaten all happen to be the most inconsistent teams?
And you are sure NZ couldn't have a bad day, right ?? And yes looking at NZ's recent performance they seem pretty consistant to me. I though Pakistan was the most inconsistent team in the world.
tooextracool said:
kenya hadnt even bowled a can you call that deserving?
And how can you call it undeserving, when they were denied a chance to perform ?? They deserved the point and NZ deserved it too.
tooextracool said:
yes and WI would have won 4 had it not rained, even if with the boycott WI would have gone through because they beat kenya....and dont come up with ludicrous statements like "how do you know they would have beaten b'desh?"
I dont know, how do you know that they would have beaten BD ?? You clearely have imagined a world cup of your own, Where there is lot of room for assumptions. If it had not rained, a would have beaten B, C would have beaten D, If C had not Boycotted, C would have beaten E etc etc. Well , WAKE UP !!, it's over now.
tooextracool said:
umm incase you havent realised sherlock, that happened to be you're own logic....fine move that criticising you're own logic
That's you logic, not mine. Dont put your foolish assumption on me.
tooextracool said:
oh so now you call kenya a minnow dont you? all this time you've been going on about how kenya played better cricket than the WI and when i take into account the WI win over kenya you tell me that it was only "over a minnow". absolute b/s
Well, yes Kenya was a minnow but it did perform much better for a team rated that low. In case you forgot, it beat 3 test nations SL, BD & Zim. Which is more than WI.(Here is an example which will help you understand things better, in 1999 England beat Zimbabwe easily, but zimbabwe beat SA & India and went to the Super Six, Who was better Zimbabwe or England ??)
tooextracool said:
umm incase you havent realised....all this time you've been considering the boycott as a win over NZ....lets take the NZ vs kenya match as a tie.....NZ still end up with more points.
use the same method for the zim and england games and you'll find out who has more points
Ohh, So this is what is all about. You wanted to split points between NZ-Kenya and Eng-Zim, didn't you ?? Why should England and NZ be awarded points for boycotting a match ?? How many times in the history it has happened before ?? I am glad that ICC didn't bow to Eng and NZ and they were kicked out of the tournament early. They deserved it.
tooextracool said:
umm do you read?i said the team that plays better cricket deserves to be in the finals... so why bring up india-pakistan finals? if india and pakistan played the best cricket then and only then should they be in the finals.
No you said, No one would watch a Kenya-Canada Finals. Do I care ?? Kenya didn't fix any matches, they went to the SF on the basis of their performance and some luck. They deserved it.
tooextracool said:
as i have said is your assumption that kenya would beat NZ and Zim would beat england......thats the only way both those teams were going to go thro to the super six
You are wrong, that's not my assumption. I have never said anything of that sort. Prove it where I have said it. All I have said that Kenya and Zim were denied a chance to play and that's why they were awarded the points. You are the one who has been playing assumption game and wooven a whole world cup performances in your mind where there are lot of IF-ELSE scenarios are taking place. Good luck with that. (*Whispers* - the world cup is over)