I will try to refrain myself from intitiating a flame war in response.....
While England may have implemented development programs re talent, IMO their basics of FC cricket under the County system are still fundamentaly flawed, as discussed on previous threads & outlined by LE.
The decision was not made as a result of Australia being in a ghastly situation, as they were more than competitive against most teams of the time. It was a direct consequence of the domination of the great WI side of the era, where Australia didn't want to play 2nd fiddle. Furthermore they wanted to dominate cricket in a way that was sustainable beyond the playing generation of any player or team squad, something that the WI were unable to do. The WI side dominated both forms of the game with basically the same players. The current Australian dominance uses a variety of players for each version of the game and has done so over an extended period of time.
Other recent teams have had world class players as per my reference to WI, RSA & Pakistan, yet none have threatened to challenge the Australian dominance. I have yet to see any indication that should England produce a world class player or 2 by 2006 or so that they will be able to do so with any more success than those teams.
Agreed that current Australian players like Warne & McGrath are world class and that their back ups are not of the same class. However the fact remains that while Australia may not be so 'invincible' without them, the 2nd & 3rd strings have still allowed them to continue their dominance - another sign that world class talent alone is not enough. Furthermore while Bichel may not be the most talented bowler, IMO Gough is the only recent English bowler to come close to him regarding his attitude for the game.
So far as MacGill is concerned his stats compare favourably to Warne for the same number of matches. Yes he is not as accurate & he usually has a loose delivery per over, but there are very few bowlers anywhere with Warne's skills. MacGill would walk into any other team and may have become the dominant bowler of his craft & era had not Warne been on the scene to raise the bar even higher!
Yes there are no apparent successors to the Warnes or McGraths, but as I also said the troughs in the cycles are levelled out at a higher level - hence the continued success with the 2nd & 3rd string attacks, again something no other team has been able to do.
Raw talent can not be made, but there are so many seriously talented players that never make the grade to world class - eg Hick. S Waugh is not a great batting talent in comparison to the likes of SRT,Lara or even M Waugh, yet his abilities as a batsmen are not determined by skill alone. IMO it is these 'non skill' factors that sets the Aussies apart in their system. In reality there is no genuine weakness in any of their teams.
The Australian dominance has been in place since the Simson era as Coach, and set in concrete since their defeat of the WI to secure the Frank Worrell Trophy in the mid '90s, which coincided with the arrivals of Warne & McGrath. They started their dominance by the end of the Border era and then continued it under Taylor. Under Waugh's Captaincy they have further elevated this to this current level of 'invincibility', which has as much to do with their tactics as it has with their player talent. Read the tributes to Waugh regarding his development of batting as a weapon and then mental side of his & the Australian game plan.
Waugh's retirement will signal the end of the playing career of any player at the start of this dominance, and Ponting will probably become the 4th Captain during this dominance of the game. Again, until people realise that this is more than just 'talent', they will never challenge the Australian dominance, let alone hope to emulate it.
A final point regarding the need for world class players - the NZ team is berift of players that dominate the individual rankings, yet they have achieved a level of success against teams that do have them, with the recent series v India being an example.
Far from feeling offended at the references to rocks in my head & being complacent, I feel saddened for the game by the blindness of those people, and only hope that the administrators do not share the same views. It is also interesting to see the number of Australians that are now involved in cricket beyond their borders, and I'm not referring to playing talent.
Perhaps it is the greatest compliment that can be paid to the Aussies & their approach to cricket that so many people are still obsessed with 'talent' alone. How does it go - The greatest trick the Devil ever made was to convince people that he didn't exist!!!!!
Oh and yeah Eclipse is right - I'm not an Aussie as I have said b4 to some of our sub continent friends.
My apologies for the length of this post.
While England may have implemented development programs re talent, IMO their basics of FC cricket under the County system are still fundamentaly flawed, as discussed on previous threads & outlined by LE.
The decision was not made as a result of Australia being in a ghastly situation, as they were more than competitive against most teams of the time. It was a direct consequence of the domination of the great WI side of the era, where Australia didn't want to play 2nd fiddle. Furthermore they wanted to dominate cricket in a way that was sustainable beyond the playing generation of any player or team squad, something that the WI were unable to do. The WI side dominated both forms of the game with basically the same players. The current Australian dominance uses a variety of players for each version of the game and has done so over an extended period of time.
Other recent teams have had world class players as per my reference to WI, RSA & Pakistan, yet none have threatened to challenge the Australian dominance. I have yet to see any indication that should England produce a world class player or 2 by 2006 or so that they will be able to do so with any more success than those teams.
Agreed that current Australian players like Warne & McGrath are world class and that their back ups are not of the same class. However the fact remains that while Australia may not be so 'invincible' without them, the 2nd & 3rd strings have still allowed them to continue their dominance - another sign that world class talent alone is not enough. Furthermore while Bichel may not be the most talented bowler, IMO Gough is the only recent English bowler to come close to him regarding his attitude for the game.
So far as MacGill is concerned his stats compare favourably to Warne for the same number of matches. Yes he is not as accurate & he usually has a loose delivery per over, but there are very few bowlers anywhere with Warne's skills. MacGill would walk into any other team and may have become the dominant bowler of his craft & era had not Warne been on the scene to raise the bar even higher!
Yes there are no apparent successors to the Warnes or McGraths, but as I also said the troughs in the cycles are levelled out at a higher level - hence the continued success with the 2nd & 3rd string attacks, again something no other team has been able to do.
Raw talent can not be made, but there are so many seriously talented players that never make the grade to world class - eg Hick. S Waugh is not a great batting talent in comparison to the likes of SRT,Lara or even M Waugh, yet his abilities as a batsmen are not determined by skill alone. IMO it is these 'non skill' factors that sets the Aussies apart in their system. In reality there is no genuine weakness in any of their teams.
The Australian dominance has been in place since the Simson era as Coach, and set in concrete since their defeat of the WI to secure the Frank Worrell Trophy in the mid '90s, which coincided with the arrivals of Warne & McGrath. They started their dominance by the end of the Border era and then continued it under Taylor. Under Waugh's Captaincy they have further elevated this to this current level of 'invincibility', which has as much to do with their tactics as it has with their player talent. Read the tributes to Waugh regarding his development of batting as a weapon and then mental side of his & the Australian game plan.
Waugh's retirement will signal the end of the playing career of any player at the start of this dominance, and Ponting will probably become the 4th Captain during this dominance of the game. Again, until people realise that this is more than just 'talent', they will never challenge the Australian dominance, let alone hope to emulate it.
A final point regarding the need for world class players - the NZ team is berift of players that dominate the individual rankings, yet they have achieved a level of success against teams that do have them, with the recent series v India being an example.
Far from feeling offended at the references to rocks in my head & being complacent, I feel saddened for the game by the blindness of those people, and only hope that the administrators do not share the same views. It is also interesting to see the number of Australians that are now involved in cricket beyond their borders, and I'm not referring to playing talent.
Perhaps it is the greatest compliment that can be paid to the Aussies & their approach to cricket that so many people are still obsessed with 'talent' alone. How does it go - The greatest trick the Devil ever made was to convince people that he didn't exist!!!!!
Oh and yeah Eclipse is right - I'm not an Aussie as I have said b4 to some of our sub continent friends.
My apologies for the length of this post.
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