Someone's performance quality should be treated entirely separately from their aesthetic quality. I have strong aesthetic preferences in cricket too and I enjoy discussing them, but I try not to let those bias my ability to rate's one run-scoring ability.
This isn't to say you have to use a ~statistical~ argument when rating players, as many people base their opinions of quality on watching people bat and forming judgements on their technique, temperament and judgement. People have lots of different criteria for ranking players - be it based on their overall record, their peak ability, their longevity, their ability to dominate, their ability to perform against the best of their time, their ability to adapt to different conditions or the viewer's own perceptions upon watching them play, but what all these criteria have in common is that they're performance-based - either based on actual performance or perceived potential performance in theoretical circumstances. They're based upon how effective they see the players in advancing the cause of the game in the game situations they find most important.
You don't get bonus runs in cricket for playing pretty though, so to essentially say "I think these two players would perform to basically the same level over a wide variety of circumstances and challenges, but Player A is better than Player B because I enjoyed watching him more" just seems completely absurd to me, to the point where it'd make as much sense for someone else to point to Player B's dreamy steel-blue eyes as a retort.
And that's not to say you can't bring up aesthetics as a separate discussion -- they're interesting. They're just separate.