To those that think of W.G. as a fat old man with a metre long beard, these photos might come as a bit of a surprise...
Here is W.G. in 1863, aged about 15 (No, not the one you think, actually the young chap marked 12):
In the picture below, W.G. is the youngster at the extreme left in the white cap with just the beginnings of a small beard. This photo is from 1867 and W.G. would have been 18 or 19 at the time:
W.G. in 1869, aged 21:
Here is W.G. in 1872, aged 24:
So a fairly impressive beard for a 24 year old, but not quite as pronounced as the popular image of later years.
Here is W.G. in 1874, aged 25 or 26: