State 12th Man
therz bin a bolly wood film called lagaan its bin dubbed in english too good watchmarc71178 said:Has there ever been one?
therz bin a bolly wood film called lagaan its bin dubbed in english too good watchmarc71178 said:Has there ever been one?
Oh come on, you obviously aren't an idiot, so do you really need me to spell it out?C_C said:You've sidestepped the central question numerous time, so here is one last stab.
If STRENGTH is the issue here, WHY did you say that hitting a weak woman was somehow more morally deplorable than hitting an equally weak man ?
You have shown no justification to your reasoning here. You have argued on the strength issue which is essentially culturalism more than anything else (like i said, there are women in some cultures who are almost as strong as their male counterparts as there is no compartmentalisation of socio-economical activity throughout history).
If strength is the deterministic factor, then i dont see how a weak puny man deserves any less courtesy than a weak puny woman. Yet you've said that in moral relativism, hitting a woman is far more detestable than hitting a man.
You are yet to explain that, since your 'strength' factor hasnt said WHY it is more detestable to hit a woman that is weak compared to hitting a man who is equally if not more weak.
I am absolutely delighted you think so, Jesse - I have been waiting for you on this thread for a while.Slow Love™ said:None of this is to say that social campaigns to stop wife-beating should be discontinued, because domination of a spouse via violence is completely unacceptable, and wife-beating is definitely a problem worth addressing (as is the other way around, even if it's less common).
Yes, I see what you mean.But the nature of the power relationship, and the nature of the capacity for violence should be the indicators for how acceptable or unacceptable a retaliatory violent act is, IMO.
So?Richard said:So gender-recognition is hard-wired in.
Not sure I totally understand you there, Richard... What are you referring to exactly? My points are made with the assumption that one party is endangered or dominated physically (even if temporarily) by the other, which IMO is a much better guide than assumptions based on the *** of the parties involved alone.Richard said:Yes, I see what you mean.
There are plenty of times, though, when a violent act, both retaliatory and not, are committed without a significant power relationship.
This is what I am prinicipally referring to.
Rubbish - male-on-female violence remains as much of a problem as parent-on-child violence.BoyBrumby said:So?
So is that it's the very first thing one recognises in another; if one cannot ascertain another’s gender provokes disquiet.
If one were assailed by a woman one would immediately be aware of the fact. The weakness of a male assailant would not be so immediately apparent unless they were obviously disabled. If one were to then hit a disabled or decrepit man I would agree this would be on a par with striking a woman.
If you allow there is no difference the ultimate outcome is that there is no difference between hitting men & women.
You may be perfectly happy to hit a woman, I'm certainly not for the reasons I've outlined. Male on female violence remains a huge problem; Jesuitical arguments about "puny men" are merely attempts to obfuscate the issue.
With respect, mate, you've avoided some legitimate arguments in order to respond with non-sequiturs. And characterising people making this argument as "happy to hit women" is deliberately perjorative and (quite possible deliberately also) suggests that people are arguing in favor of initiating violence against women.I think you've done your fair share of obfuscation.BoyBrumby said:You may be perfectly happy to hit a woman, I'm certainly not for the reasons I've outlined. Male on female violence remains a huge problem; Jesuitical arguments about "puny men" are merely attempts to obfuscate the issue.
Well, if it satisfies the criteria I've outlined previously (I mentioned a workplace situation, which wouldn't be defined as domestic per se), I think there are situations in which I might find it an understandable response (dependent also on a barometer of "reasonable force").Richard said:I'm referring to a situation that has nothing domestic about it...
You seem to have taken everything in the context of domestic-violence - and the simple fact of the matter is that violence (just singular, never mind repeated) towards a loved one is a terrible, terrible crime. You don't need to tell me that.
But I'm just talking about people outside your family. People that (obviously) you don't really like (because I hope I never hit a friend, personally).
Well, taking your pub example, if the woman slapped me once, I'd probably tell her to get snotted (only in more dramatic fashion) and move on. I don't believe I'm in real danger, and providing she doesn't dramatically escalate it, I think I have choices.Richard said:I know violence is always undesirable - but the fact is, if someone hits you for no good reason, I see no valid pretext under which you should be disallowed from hitting them back just because they're a female.
Naturally, any form of battering - ie over-the-top violence - is always inappropriate, that's why the laws on GBH and Assault exist. But if someone strikes you just because, say, you knocked their drink over totally by accident in a pub, and immidiately apologise and offer to buy them another one too, I see no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to hit them back - whether it be a woman or man that hit you.
The only reason, of course, is the "above all that" mentality that it'd be so nice if everyone perpetuated - ie the "turn the other cheek" idea et al. But come on - do many people really attire to that?
Of times, a whack is appropriate and justifiable IMO... as long, of course, as it doesn't go overboard and extend to Assault or GBH. Especially if someone has hit you first.
Obviously - there are times when "... was that the wind brushing my face" can be far more appropriate and cause less trouble.Slow Love™ said:Physical characteristics must also play a part. If she's little and can't do much damage to me, that increases my choices.
I remember when that article came out. It was hilarious. Basically what they said was that if the current trends in world records continue for another 150 years, then the fastest runner will be a woman in the year 2156 i.e. they blindly extrapolated the record timings. According to that 'logic', sometime in the future, humans will be able to finish a race before they start!!!C_C said:As per strength goes- you realise that the recent IAAF simulations show women to be the holders of the 'fastest 100 meter runner' tag by 2075 ?
Well, probably, although I'd make exceptions for wartime, rescue situations, etc. If you're asking whether it's OK to slap a woman who's more fragile than yourself because she slapped you, no, personally, I don't think it's on in general - I think the violence has to be more extreme, or the physical situation different (or both).Richard said:The impression I get of you is that it'd be the same with another guy, though...?
I just get the impression that you're generally the sort of guy who'd only resort to retaliation as a defensive measure...
I'd say simply more often than not.Slow Love™ said:The fact is that most times, a man has more power in a physical conflict than a woman does. This doesn't mean in all cases, or all cases bar a very select few, even. But it's definitely the situation the majority of the time