"And Malcolm Marshall's strike rate is around 46. Does this instantly mean that Waqar is that much a better bowler?"
As if Waqar and Marshall played their cricket at the same time,time period do count, u can't just compare two pacers of differnt era by stats.
"I think he's actually a better bowler now. Smarter, if you will"
When was the last time Waqar took 5 wkts in a test match?? Better bowler? surely it must be a joke.
"And cozmic, since you seem so intent on telling us how bad the openers are, let's see you do better."
Don't worry buddy, unlike u,i won't be judging a batter by a single innings, nor would provide u distorted facts in support of my argument !!

[Edited on 7/18/02 by cozmiccoyoete]
As if Waqar and Marshall played their cricket at the same time,time period do count, u can't just compare two pacers of differnt era by stats.
"I think he's actually a better bowler now. Smarter, if you will"
When was the last time Waqar took 5 wkts in a test match?? Better bowler? surely it must be a joke.
"And cozmic, since you seem so intent on telling us how bad the openers are, let's see you do better."
Don't worry buddy, unlike u,i won't be judging a batter by a single innings, nor would provide u distorted facts in support of my argument !!

[Edited on 7/18/02 by cozmiccoyoete]