You can keep defending the call, after all you have so much sucking up to do to Chappell. But IMO you dont ask/suggest your captain to drop himself on the eve of the match. It is the first and only instance. And as for playing 10 players, who ended up scoring a century in that match
Hurrah for ganguly. McGrath and co must be shaking in their boots in anticipation of things to come.

And please remove your lips from the Maharajas posterior. Your muffled sounds make no sense.
I never claimed to have known the Indian selection process, But You are the one who kept comparing Gillespie with Ganguly and now you have taken a complete U Turn and didn't mentioned the word 'Gillespie' once. . Since you are saying Gillespie with Ganguly situation it is only fair that you were educated by the 'Process' followed by Ricky, Coach and selectors. Ganguly is the captain selected by the selection Committee for Entire TOUR and if someone asks/suggests him to step down in the middle of a tour, he must speak to the selectors before doing so. Dont tell me that the coach didn't know about Ganguly's form before the test match.
Gillespie. There. I've mentioned it. Happy ? So while we're at it, lets discuss how one senior member throws a tantrum at the mere suggestion of being dropped, and the other ( you know, Gillespie) doesnt. Damn, I've mentioned the word twice now ! And why do I not need to mention his name anyway ? Because I have already explained to you the parallels, or lack of in their cases:
Deja moo said:
Gillespie could have thrown a tantrum like Ganguly did , " You dont want me in the team. I'm packing my bags and leaving for home ! ". See how silly that is ?
Now dont spout out that same nonsense about things being different because Gillespie isnt captain. Its a question of two very senior and well-entrenched players, one of whom accepted himself being dropped, and the other who threw a tantrum on his batting credentials being questioned. Its a question of two egos, and how they've handled theirs very differently.
And since you seem to be fond of accusing me of "running away", lets see just one of the many points you have shied away from facing upto, the crux of the matter really:
Deja Moo said:
And you've failed to grasp two points here. One, a captain has the absolute right to drop a player. The coach has the right to make suggestions as to team composition. Similarly ( and I'm getting tired of repeating myself here. If you still cannot grasp this elementary concept, I'm calling it a night), Chappell has every right to suggest that Ganguly drop himself. He cannot order him to, but he certainly can make the suggestion. No matter if its the captains spot in question, because the captain is a player too. And secondly, even though Gillespie was a senior player, he didnt start avoiding contact with his team mates or make a big show of being hurt. Cricket is a demanding game, and you dont just start sulking once your credentials are questioned.
Sanz said:
That's why you ask him to drop himself before the test, right ?? As for Playing 10, ever heard the name 'Mike Brearly' (not that Gangs is so good as captain). Beside Yuvraj cant be part of best XI for TESTs, I will pick Ganguly over him any day.
Too bad you're not the coach then, eh ? Or is it a good thing ?

Besides its rich to see you make an attempt at condescension by throwing out Brearleys name, a far better tactician than Ganguly. May I ask why you couldnt answer the more relevent point I had put forth earlier in post#78, regarding establishment of a precedence? :
Deja moo said:
And you mean to say that you're not aware of a single instance of a captain dropping himself, and that too mid-series ???
You have either ignored it conveniently, or need further spoon-feeding. Heres one more clue : Mike Denness, Ashes 1974-75.
Sanz said:
so were Yuvraj & Kaif, Gangs scored more than their combined score.
And Kumble scored more than Ganguly. Hence the relevance? Besides, Ganguly simply walked off the crease once the second new ball was taken compaining of elbow pain, only to resume against the old ball

. Now that cant be good news for a batsman, could it ?
Then stop comparing Gillespie with Ganguly. Although you have still not figured out the difference that one is a captain and player both and the other is just a player.
A captain is a player as well. You havent gotten this into your head, and I'm not going to dwell further on this point since you refuse even make an effort to comprehend it. Once again, Mike Denness.
And What is the Indian system btw, enlighten us please ?

meh, you're so wrapped in your own world that you dont even bother to read others posts completely ? Read the post you just quoted, oh wanderer in need of enlightenment.
Of Course coaching isn't his only job, His main job is asking his captain to drop himself, give false interviews to the media, take a complete U turn and say that he wasn't really suggesting Ganguly to drop, but just trying to motivate. Coaching is his last priority actually.
You mean like Gangulys main job is attending his wifes birthday party when he should have been on the flight to Zimbabwe, throwing a tantrum at a mere suggestion by the coach, threatening to pack his bags and leave, creating fissures within the team by going to the media for an issue that never was supposed to leave the dressing room, sulking and avoiding contact with a fellow player for two whole days, refusing to issue a statement to clarify the situation, declaring the playing eleven for the second test without consulting his coach ?
Needless to say, With this approach and attitude he wont come anywhere close to Wright.
Thats true. Wright simply gave up and settled into a routine knowing that he wasnt going to be allowed to make a difference. Thankfully Chappell is made of sterner stuff and hopefully wont be as tolerant of bullshyte from his players.
Actually you quoted a tabloid - "According to todays TOI, two ICC officials were recently in mumbai to investigate four top bookies as well as a "swashbuckling batsman" and two pace bowlers ( all from India)." is what you posted. Let me tell you that a Police Commissioner will never use the word 'swashbuckling batsman'. Anyone who reads Indian media regularly would be able to tell you that such adjectives are created by reporters..and even if it came from a police commissioner there is no way for me to know it. So stop accusing me of what you suggested (highleighted part). I have lived in almost every part of the country and know how ept/inept, honest/corrupt they are.
Those words were from the police Commisioner, reported by a reporter. I assure you no newspaper worth its salt can afford to misquote a commissioner, and that reporters do use adjectives here and there.
no you didn't admit anything, if at all you you still defended the way media handled the story when you said "... thats why its being made such a big deal of."
No, your lack of comprehension shows up again. It means I suggest that the very act of a subcontinental cricketer celebrity visiting a bar could be the reason it was made a big deal of by the media. I cant make it simpler than that.
You worry about your mindest and the ways you can suck up to Coach. Those who matter to me are happy with my mindset and the way I think and that's enough for me.
Good for you. Stick to them. If your internet persona is any true indication of your real life persona, those might be the only people you'll ever have to make do with.
You didn't tmpered your stand at all and as I said never seen in that thread again after I posted post # 29, 30 and 32.
I cant help it if you have problems in understanding a persons posts. I had closed the matter with that post, which is why you didnt "see me there".
You accuse a player of Murali's caliber of match fixing and consider him guilty just on the basis of a tabloid report and then come up with sarcastics posts in support of your claims and what not and run away when shown the fact and you accuse others of sensationalization and guess what is the word in the dictionary for that ? It starts with 'H'
Once again, I cant help it if you misinterpret my posts ( as I have proven again). You keep accuse me of running away. I dont. I either stick to the end when I'm in the right, or admit my mistakes as I have done in the past on more than the one occaision. The only time when I leave a thread is when
(a) I've made my stand clear,
or (b) see no point in continuing, because of someone involved in obfuscation of facts in an attempt to save face, as you are doing in both this as well as the other related thread. You have consistently avoided facing upto many facts in both threads, keep spouting the same ill-formed, pre-conceived and biased opinions, and for having the nerve to accuse someone else of that, truly deserve that big H.
See you. Thats it for me in this thread (and if you need a reason why, see points (a) and (b) just above
