Pratyush said:
My father, who hardly ever watches test cricket, watched a bit of the etst match from Sydney and in 15 minutes made this judgement - 'This umpire has taken money' Its not some thing I thought of Bucknor but to think of it, Bucknor is such a good umpire. How could he have missed such calls? Maybe he had taken money. The decisions were certainly biost against India.
Just an unimportant nitpick, but the question has to be asked - if your father hardly ever watches test cricket, how on earth would he be able to tell if an umpire has taken money, particularly after 15 minutes?
Aside from this... My opinion is that Ganguly's rating seems fairly appropriate to me, if it's true and it's not a made-up story. Anybody watching who was not an utterly one-eyed Aussie supporter would say that he had a rotten series.
What surprised me most was how oddly demonstrative he was - motioning sternly to players, snapping, complaining that he couldn't make decisions because the bowler was in his way during appeals... I wondered if he was going a little funny, or if his wife had just left him or something.
Incidentally, on the "irresponsible journalism" issue - much of the sports news online (it's not quite as loose in the TV or print media) around the world seems to come out of only one or two outlets, and then gets repeated
everywhere. So if there's a factual mistake, or a hoax report, almost everybody reports it. This applies to more general news also. Frightening, when you think about it.
Worst story I've seen: when Murray Goodwin made controversial comments about Zimbabwe's team selections being race based, and said "It sounds really racist, but it's the truth and that's a sad state of affairs because these guys don't have to perform as well as the European guys to get a game."
The quote was wrongly attributed to Steve Waugh by a news agency, and this was repeated around the world in many online newspapers. The worst instance was in the India Telegraph, where the quote was accompanied by a picture of Waugh, with the caption "Racist, but true, says Steve Waugh".
The fact checking by the majority of outlets out there is abysmal. If they've seen it printed anywhere else, they'll print it.