Hall of Fame Member
I haven't posted this for a while. Only one player from youth side Upul Munaver made the starting XI. He will probably only be there until a couple of my other average bats pop to reasonable.
Fairly happy with the overall Seniors 1st XI, would like a few more capables, but all reasonable plus is decent starting point. Fairly young side too, so might have some potential. Will be interesting though, as most side would be starting to flood their youth players into their starting XI this season.
Hoping for a pretty big season with this youth side. A lot of these guys should make my starting XI in the future as we hit the 3rd cycle of players.
Not sure what to do with the all rounders though. Will play it by ear though. Until a couple of my 17yo bats pop, they should be able to make the side as batsmen for a little while.
Name Type Age End Bat Bowl Tech Power Keep Field
A Kodikara (OS) 19 ord rea dre ave ord dre poor
S Buultjens (SLA) 25 ave rea poor ave ord dre poor
K Sandanayake (SLA) 23 ord cap atro rea dre poor poor
S Kularatne (WK) 20 ord rea dre ave poor ave ord
B Danth'yana (RM) 18 ave rea ave ave poor dre dre
+U Munaver (WK) 19 poor rea atr ord poor ord poor
S Andrahennadi (RM) 18 ord ave rea ave ave ord poor
N Ashok (RM) 20 cap poor rea rea dre poor ave
*H Samarasinghe (RFM) 18 ord poor rea rea dre poor dre
C Deshapriya (OS) 24 ord poor cap ord ord poor ave
D de Mel (OS) 19 cap dre rea ave ord dre poor
Name Type Age End Bat Bowl Tech Power Keep Field
+C Dominguez (WK) 18 poor rea dre ave ord ave poor
A Rajapaksa (RFM) 18 poor rea dre ave dre dre atro
S Ariyadasa (OS) 18 poor cap ave ord dre atro atro
M Wick'singhe (OS) 17 poor ave poor ord ord atro ord
L Kana'pillai (LS) 18 dre rea dre ord poor dre dre
C Ushanthi (RF) 18 ord ave ord poor ord dre ave
B Aamir (RFM) 18 dre ave ave ord poor dre poor
S Samarakoon (LFM) 18 dre poor rea ord ord dre poor
U Kountouri (RFM) 18 ord poor ave ord poor atr dea
D Dalpathado (OS) 18 poor dre cap ave ord atro dre
*C Gam'chchi (OS) 17 poor dre rea poor dre dre poor
Fairly happy with the overall Seniors 1st XI, would like a few more capables, but all reasonable plus is decent starting point. Fairly young side too, so might have some potential. Will be interesting though, as most side would be starting to flood their youth players into their starting XI this season.
Hoping for a pretty big season with this youth side. A lot of these guys should make my starting XI in the future as we hit the 3rd cycle of players.
Not sure what to do with the all rounders though. Will play it by ear though. Until a couple of my 17yo bats pop, they should be able to make the side as batsmen for a little while.