Congrats to the Aussie team and all the Aussie supporters here...

It is a great day for them... It is one thing to have won 4 WCs but having the team lift the trophy at home at the MCG in front of almost 100,000 screaming fans must feel like something else...
I don't quite think they are the best ODI side in all conditions in World Cricket at the moment, but then again, no side really are. They are the best in these conditions and they will be very very competitive anywhere simply because of the amazing depth of multi-skilled players they have got. It was wonderful to see how meticulous their planning has been and how awesome their execution has been. It is a side that has truly harnessed each and every members' potential and talent with rigorous training and planning and are reaping the results. It is possible to do well just on the back of talent alone and it is possible to do well just on the back of good planning and rigor and discipline alone, but when you combine them, you get a bit of domination and that is what Australia have done in this WC.
In a way it is all very fitting that a season that began with Phil Hughes' tragic passing away and Clarke leading the emotional response, ends with Clarke holding the WC trophy aloft. I am sure he has failings as a person and as a leader but given how he responded to that tragedy, I am sure not many will grudge him this piece of history...
And hardluck to the NZ boys.. I was very much supporting for a Super King to lift the WC if it is was not going to be Dhoni, but you were beaten by a better team on the day, one that was extremely well suited to the conditions and extremely well prepared and also extremely talented. I am sure NZ will be topping the cricket rankings for a while to come in all forms of the game, given the talent that is around that group and hopefully this is the start of a golden run for your boys..