hellnback said:
Can I step outta the square here for abit and say none of these people mentioned in this thread is "The Fastest Ever", but only the "Fastest We Know Of"???
I'm pretty sure that there would be someone somewhere out there that 'actually' delivers the ball at greater pace/speed, but unfortunately doesn't have the control of the previously mentioned people in the thread, and therefore hasn't been elevated to higher honours thus we don't know of them...
I bet you that "that" person is the quickest.
Kids like that show up quite regularly , thats what talent identification systems are in place for.
If coaches spot a youngster who has natural pace they will work with him & encourage him to bowl fast & use his natural advantage....the finer points such as control & movement can be taught later.
Thats what Simon Jones was like as a kid , always 20kph quicker than everyone else his age , but his control was hopeless (not that its improved much since

) , he used to always feature heavily in the extras column , but since then he has refined things & posseses some measure of control to match his pace.
As for fastest ever Id say Jeff Thompson by quite a margin.
And Eddie about that frame calculation method.
Australia's best know cricket magazine Inside Edge actually tried that back in 2001 & they published some interesting results , apparently they calculated Frank Tyson to have been around 136kph (Andy Bichel pace) , which is interesting as everyone back then said he was teh quickest they'd ever seen.
But its obviously got its flaws otherwise everyone would be doing it.