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Dean Jones sacked for racist remark


Hall of Fame Member
archie mac said:
I still can't see what was wrong with Greig comment? What is wrong with having a mail order bride? I thought it a fair question 8-)
Because seeing an Asian woman who has recently been married to a non-Asian man and inferring that she was a mail order bride is obviously going to offend people? Australia has quite a large Asian population, and very few of the Asian women who live here were "flown in". Surely it's obvious why the woman who he made the comment about would be offended by it? It's basically like a commentator going "I wonder if she's a hooker?" when some girl in the crowd appears on the camera at a match, except it also comes with the racial connotations.


International Vice-Captain
Dean Jones = idiot. Even if he was joking, it's a stupid thing to say.


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Jones has always been an idiot in my mind, this just confirms it.

I'm suprised he wasn't able to give another plug for his 200 odd in India in his press statement.


Cricketer Of The Year
archie mac said:
I still can't see what was wrong with Greig comment? What is wrong with having a mail order bride? I thought it a fair question 8-)
Exactly , I might get one by Mail myself !! :laugh: Nothing wrong with that at all !:laugh:


Cricketer Of The Year
Disappointed by the whole saga. Deano IMHO, is a decent guy who made a comment by an honest mistake. He has apologised and his apology seems very genuine. I think this matter should close there.

I feel sorry for Deano because, IMO he is a guy who has no malice at heart ! An honest mistake. Lets close this thread. And move on.


JASON said:
Disappointed by the whole saga. Deano IMHO, is a decent guy who made a comment by an honest mistake. He has apologised and his apology seems very genuine. I think this matter should close there.

I feel sorry for Deano because, IMO he is a guy who has no malice at heart ! An honest mistake. Lets close this thread. And move on.
Most hits in the previous 24 hours:

SMH: 1) "Jones keeps summer job despite terrorist jibe"
The Age 1) "Shamed Jones heads home"

Doubt this thing will die down anytime soon, although nothing has really happened yet.


International Vice-Captain
Using the word terrorist to describe someone because one cannot see past stupid and offensive stereotypes is not an honest mistake. Then saying that "it was never supposed to be heard over the air" is even worse.


Dasa said:
Using the word terrorist to describe someone because one cannot see past stupid and offensive stereotypes is not an honest mistake. Then saying that "it was never supposed to be heard over the air" is even worse.
Totally agree. It’s the same balderdash Fat Ron came out with after his defamatory remarks about Marcel Desailly were “accidentally” broadcast. Makes them guilty of racism and hypocrisy IMHO.

I should say that Atkinson's remarks were far worse than Jones's tho.

archie mac

International Coach
FaaipDeOiad said:
Because seeing an Asian woman who has recently been married to a non-Asian man and inferring that she was a mail order bride is obviously going to offend people? Australia has quite a large Asian population, and very few of the Asian women who live here were "flown in". Surely it's obvious why the woman who he made the comment about would be offended by it? It's basically like a commentator going "I wonder if she's a hooker?" when some girl in the crowd appears on the camera at a match, except it also comes with the racial connotations.
It only comes with racial connotations if people percieve it that way, and I don't, and I still can't see the problem, what is wrong with being a mail order bride? What is wrong with being a hooker for that matter :happy:


International Captain
JASON said:
Disappointed by the whole saga. Deano IMHO, is a decent guy who made a comment by an honest mistake. He has apologised and his apology seems very genuine. I think this matter should close there.

I feel sorry for Deano because, IMO he is a guy who has no malice at heart ! An honest mistake. Lets close this thread. And move on.
You said the same thing that I said but in an official way !!!


World Traveller
FaaipDeOiad said:
Hey, Jones could have been tanked too, you never know. :p

Speaking of other morons, he's certainly joined a fine list of individuals who have been fired from commentating for racism. Does anyone else remember when Rush Limbaugh (right-wing radio talkback host in the US, for those who don't know) got a job commentating on the NFL? He promptly got fired a week later for implying that a young black player who was being hyped as a new star was being talked up only because he was black.

I've heard about some past controversy over Tony Greig referring to the West Indians as "darkies" or something as well, but obviously he survived it.
Didn't he nearly get sacked for making 'mail order bride' comment about a bloke marrying an Asian woman during a MM Cup some years ago?

It was said off air as well but the mics picked it.


Hall of Fame Member
archie mac said:
It only comes with racial connotations if people percieve it that way, and I don't, and I still can't see the problem, what is wrong with being a mail order bride? What is wrong with being a hooker for that matter :happy:
There's nothing wrong with either, but most women would be offended if you suggested they were a hooker, right?

And I'm sorry, but it does come with racial connotations. Are you telling me that you don't associate the concept of mail order brides with Asian women, or that you don't think the reason Greig made the comment is because the woman was Asian? If it had been a white couple, would he have said it?

It's the same as that NSW politician who made a joke referring to Bob Carr's wife as a "mail order bride" because she was from Malaysia (I think), when in fact she was raised and educated in Australia. It's a racially loaded remark, as well as an offensive one aside from that.

Mister Wright

Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
I didn't mind Jones as a commentator. Not the best, but had a bit of flair about him. But, you always sensed something like this would happen. It was fair enough that he got sacked, and will now find it very hard to get a job as a commentator again, unless of course SBS cover anything....:ph34r:

Scaly piscine

Cricket Web: All-Time Legend
FaaipDeOiad said:
It has nothing to do with being PC, so much as having standards of professionalism. Obviously Dean was joking, and obviously it wasn't intended as a serious slur on any race or religion, but he's a commentator on television and made a racist joke on the air. He's clearly going to get fired, because it's terribly unprofessional, casts the station in a bad light and would likely have offended many viewers. It doesn't matter if "almost any average person" would have made the remark, because they don't have jobs on television.

Your definition of PC is way off, in this case. It would only be an issue of "Political Correctness" if he had been censored from making a serious remark. For instance, if he actually believed that Amla was a terrorist or had connections to terrorists or supported them, and was fired for saying so, it would be a PC issue, because he would be censored from making a political statement against a group that is considered protected from criticism in this regard. In this case, it's a guy being fired for making a tasteless joke and being overheard while on the job.
It is the PC brigade that make what should be a minor issue like this a hanging offense in modern life. These muppets immediately take huge offense on behalf of the minority group that's supposed to be mortally offended and it is these muppets that will send in wave after wave of complaints. Look at the power that stupid cow Mary Whitehouse wielded.


School Boy/Girl Captain
Well Amla does look like a "teroorist" and it IS something I will joke about with friends. But this cannot be said on TV!!!


Hall of Fame Member
ColdSnow said:
Well Amla does look like a "teroorist" and it IS something I will joke about with friends. But this cannot be said on TV!!!
Which one ? Ever seen Timothy Mcveigh ?


Cricket Spectator
That Dean Jones.....

I was laughing at one of the absurd things he said on air just 5 days ago, and I casually remarked "he can be funny, but he usually falls into trouble because of his big mouth...." and now look!!!


Well, at least he apologized almost immediately and got the hell out of Colombo then and there. And I don't think calling someone a terrorist, is necessarily racist. Just rude.



Expect he was in the "Kaffie Boetie" group of Aussies/Expats that blighted the Australia v SA series.. Even if it was something just said in jest to a mate, it's still pretty stupid and immature, nevermind the fact it was broadcast all over the world..


State Vice-Captain
Dean Jones is being called a lot of things, all of he deserves because these things have reprocussions. But, and maybe I say this because I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, I don't think the guy should have been sacked. Sometimes people make mistakes, realise how bad they were, and change. And you can often tell the difference between somebody who is sincerely sorry and wont do things again, like when Ricky Ponting cried on TV after being in a bar-room brawl. You can also tell when people wont ever change... erm Warney.

It's a heck of a lot easier to judge than forgive, and it's what a lot of people do these days, they're so against prejudice that they're quick to judge, not realising that anybody can say something ridiculously stupid. Prejudice shouldn't be tollerated, but the concept of forgiveness shouldn't be thrown out the window. Good peace has been made in situations where appologies are accepted.

Dean Jones has appologised to everybody and their mother over the incident, he personally, without being asked, appologised to Hashim Amla, to which Amla accepted, wished Jones well and told him he hopes it all blows over (Amla is obviously a class act). That should have been it if you ask me.

Anybody is capable of saying something stupid in a few seconds and suddenly everybody is on Jones' back and if he's given the world a deep glaring peek into the depth of his heart where his honest thoughts of humanity have been shockingly revealed. Nothing of the sorts occured. Jones is guilty of tremendous stupidity and nothing else can really be conclusively derived from his idiotic remarks.

I hope this experience humbles him because it came of ignorant arrogence.

But yeah I'll say it again, it's a heck of a lot easier to judge than forgive.
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